首页> 外文期刊>Computational geometry: Theory and applications >On embedding an outer-planar graph in point set

On embedding an outer-planar graph in point set


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Given an n-vertex outer-planar graph G and a set P of n points in the plane, we present an O(n log~3 n) time and O(n) space algorithm to compute a straight-line embedding of G in P, improving upon the algorithm in [8,12] that requires O(n~2) time. Our algorithm is near-optimal as there is an Ω (n log n) lower bound for the problem [4]. We present a simpler O(nd) time and O(n) space algorithm to compute a straight-line embedding of G in P where log n ≤ d ≤ 2n is the length of the longest vertex disjoint path in the dual of G. Therefore, the time complexity of the simpler algorithm varies between O(n log n) and O(n~2) depending on the value of d. More efficient algorithms are presented for certain restricted cases. If the dual of G is a path, then an optimal Θ(n log n) time algorithm is presented. If the given point set is in convex position then we show that O(n) time suffices.
机译:给定一个n顶点外平面图G和一个平面中n个点的集合P,我们提出O(n log〜3 n)时间和O(n)空间算法来计算G的直线嵌入P,改进了[8,12]中需要O(n〜2)时间的算法。我们的算法接近最优,因为该问题的下限为Ω(n log n)[4]。我们提出了一种更简单的O(nd)时间和O(n)空间算法来计算G在P中的直线嵌入,其中log n≤d≤2n是G对偶中最长的顶点不相交路径的长度。 ,较简单算法的时间复杂度根据d的值在O(n log n)和O(n〜2)之间变化。针对某些受限情况,提出了更有效的算法。如果G的对偶是一条路径,则提出最佳Θ(n log n)时间算法。如果给定的点集处于凸位置,那么我们证明O(n)时间就足够了。



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