首页> 外文期刊>Comptes rendus. Biologies >Evidence of sibling species between two host-associated populations of brown planthopper, N. lugens (stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidea) complex based on morphology and host-plant relationship studies.

Evidence of sibling species between two host-associated populations of brown planthopper, N. lugens (stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidea) complex based on morphology and host-plant relationship studies.

机译:基于形态学和寄主植物关系研究的两个寄主相关褐飞虱N. lugens(stal)(同翅目:Delphacidea)复合体之间同胞物种的证据。

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Morphological and host-plant relationship studies were conducted to differentiate two sympatric populations of brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, one from rice (Oryza sativa) and the other from Leersia hexandra, a weed grass. In morphometric studies based on esterase activities, an UPGMA dendrogram using 17 quantitative morphological characters, including stridulatory organs (courtship signal-producing organs) between two sympatric populations of N. lugens, one from rice and the other from L. hexandra, a weed grass revealed that both populations were separated from each other. An out-group, N. bakeri, was found to be completely different from the two sympatric populations of N. lugens. Rice plants were best suited for the establishment of the rice-infesting population, and L. hexandra was a favourable host for the Leersia-infesting population. The individuals derived from one host did not thrive on the other host, as shown by a significant reduction in survival and nymphal development, ovipositional preferences, ovipositional response, and egg hatchability. Therefore, morphological and host-plant relationship studies indicate that rice-associated population with high esterase activities and L. heaxandra-associated population with low esterase activities are two closely related sibling species.
机译:进行了形态学和寄主植物关系研究,以区分两个同伴的褐飞虱(BPH)种群,Nilaparvata lugens,一个来自水稻(Oryza sativa),另一个来自Leersia hexandra,一种杂草。在基于酯酶活性的形态计量学研究中,UPGMA树状图使用了17个定量形态特征,包括两个N. lugens同胞种群(其中一个是水稻,另一个是L. hexandra)(一种杂草)之间的脉动器官(产生正交信号的器官)。揭示了两个族群彼此分离。发现外来的面包房猪笼草与两个发光猪笼草同胞种群完全不同。水稻植物最适合于有水稻侵害性的种群,而六六旬花是对有莱氏菌侵袭性的种群的有利寄主。源自一个宿主的个体在另一个宿主上没有壮成长,如生存率和若虫发育,产卵偏爱,产卵反应和卵孵化率显着降低所表明的。因此,形态学和寄主-植物关系研究表明,具有高酯酶活性的水稻相关种群和具有低酯酶活性的六味松相关种群是两个密切相关的兄弟种。



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