首页> 外文期刊>海洋と生物 >内湾および干潟における物質循環と生物生産【58】播磨灘1.播磨灘の漁獲量推移の特徴


机译:内湾和潮滩的物质循环和生物生产[58] Harima Nada 1.播磨的特征

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The catch of fish in Harima Sea has showed a peak of about a hundred thousand tons at 1979 and decreased to about thirty five thousand tons at 2005. The catches of shellfish and marine alga have decreased drastically between 1978 and 1986. The catch of crustacean and mollusk decreased from forty eight thousand tons at 1970' to twenty thousand tons at 2005. The catch of indigenous species in inland sea has been forty eight thousand tons at 1970 and twenty thousand tons at 2005. The most catch of indigenous species are sand eel. The fish catch of species entering into inland sea showed a peak(fifty eight thousand tons)at 1979 and decreased around ten thousand tons after 1990 and has been occupied by species(average 80 %)which are sardine and anchovy. The catches of horse mackerel and mackerel have been second catches after that of sardine and anchovy. These transitions of fish catch in Harima Sea will be examined from the interaction between fishes and the environment of fish place.
机译:播磨海的渔获量在1979年达到高峰,约有10万吨,到2005年下降到约3.5万吨。在1978年至1986年之间,贝类和海藻的捕捞量急剧减少。软体动物从1970'的4.8万吨减少到2005年的2万吨。内陆海域的本地物种捕获量在1970年为48 000吨,在2005年为2万吨。最多的本地物种捕获是鳗鱼。进入内陆海域的鱼类捕捞量在1979年达到高峰(5.8万吨),在1990年以后减少了约一万吨,并被沙丁鱼和an鱼所占(平均80%)。鲭鱼和鲭鱼的渔获量仅次于沙丁鱼和an鱼。将通过鱼类与鱼类环境之间的相互作用来考察在播磨海捕捞的这些过渡。



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