首页> 外文期刊>海洋と生物 >淡路由良,竹野の藻場モニタングサイト


机译:武野市藻类野外监测站淡路佑二(Yura Awaji)

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As a part of the Monitoring Site 1000 Project, the algal bed monitoring sites `Awaji-Yura' and `Takeno' were set up for representing Seto Inland Sea and the Sea of Japan coast respectively. Awaji-Yura site is located at the mouth of Osaka Bay facing to Kitan Strait, and its algal bed community is character-ized by dense population of Ecklonia cava and Sargassum ringgoldianum ssp. coreanum. The observa-tion data of this site is useful for detecting the long-term changes of the site itself, but also important for evaluating the restoration activities of the coastal environments within Osaka Bay. Takeno site is located in Takeno Marine Park at the mouth of Ooura Bay, and the algal bed is characterized by the mixed population of diverse Sargassum species such as S. confusum, S. fulvellum, S. micracanthum, S. nigrifolium, S. patens, S. pilulife rum and S. siliquastrum, and Ecklonia kurome.
机译:作为“监测点1000”项目的一部分,建立了藻床监测点“淡路由良”和“竹野”,分别代表濑户内海和日本海。 Awaji-Yura遗址位于大阪湾面向Kitan海峡的河口,其藻床群落以密集的Ecklonia cava和Sargassum ringgoldianum ssp种群为特征。核心。该站点的观测数据对于检测站点本身的长期变化非常有用,对于评估大阪湾内沿海环境的恢复活动也很重要。 Takeno遗址位于Ooura湾口的Takeno海洋公园内,藻床的特征是混合了多种Sargassum物种,例如S. confusum,S。fulvellum,S。micracanthum,S。nigrifolium,S。patens。 ,S。pilulife朗姆酒和S. siliquastrum和Ecklonia kurome。



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