首页> 外文期刊>Climatic Change >Combining ring width, density and stable carbon isotope proxies to enhance the climate signal in tree-rings: an example from the Southern French alps.

Combining ring width, density and stable carbon isotope proxies to enhance the climate signal in tree-rings: an example from the Southern French alps.


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At present the most powerful tree-ring based climate reconstructions use high numbers of growth proxy series (ring width and density) to produce spatially smoothed estimates, such as average Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures. These single parameter reconstructions might be supplemented with regional climate reconstructions capable of capturing variability in more than one climate variable without lower replication compromising statistical quality, if multiple tree ring proxies were used. Pinus sylvestris and Pinus uncinata latewood density, width and delta 13C series are presented from two sites in the French subalpine zone, east of Briancon. Where two proxies have the same dominant climate control their combination enhances that signal. Where proxies differ in dominant controlling climate variable, combining series allows access to bi-variable calibrations. Using this approach, multi-proxy reconstructions of both temperature and precipitation would better reflect complex synoptic variability in climate on spatially useful scales..



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