首页> 外文期刊>鉄と鋼/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. >Production Mechanisms of Bloom and Pig Iron by a Small 'Tatara' Furnace

Production Mechanisms of Bloom and Pig Iron by a Small 'Tatara' Furnace


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The mechanisms of pig iron "Zuku" making and steel "Kera" making from iron sand and charcoal using small Tatara furnaces have been cleared. The "Zuku" making furnace has larger zone at high temperature than the "Kera" making furnace. For the "Zuku" making, iron sand falls down, stays longer in the high temperature zone and is reduced and carbonized in higher carbon steel than for the "Kera" making. The higher carbon steel becomes molten pig iron and the less carbon steel becomes bloom with 1.0 to 1.5 mass percent C. From the results of small Tatara furnaces, the difference of reaction mechanisms of Tatara furnaces for "Kera" making and "Zuku" making in the Meiji period has been discussed.
机译:清除了使用小型塔塔拉炉从铁砂和木炭制造生铁“ Zuku”和制造“ Kera”钢的机理。 “ Zuku”制造炉在高温下比“ Kera”制造炉具有更大的区域。对于“ Zuku”制造,与“ Kera”制造相比,铁砂落下,在高温区停留的时间更长,并且在高碳钢中被还原并碳化。碳含量高至1.0-1.5%的高碳钢变成熔融生铁,而碳含量低的钢变成大方坯。从小型塔塔拉炉的结果来看,塔塔拉炉在制造“喀拉”和“祖库”时的反应机理有所不同。明治时代已经讨论过了。



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