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Serum immunoglobulin D levels by age in a healthy Italian pediatric population.


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Sirs, Limited studies are currently available regarding IgD serum levels in healthy subjects and results are contrasting. In adults, considerable variations in IgD serum levels have been reported from undetectable to over 60 IU/mL (1,2). The shape of the distribution has been variously described as unimodal, bimodal or trimodal (2). Gender, human leukocyte antigens DR1 haplotype, Gm allotype, and environmental factors, such as smoking, may influence serum IgD level (2). Few investigations have been conducted in children and results may be difficult to interpret since several studies included exclusively children with an underlying disease (i.e. atopy, celiac disease, or congenital immunodeficiency) (3-6). A linear increase of IgD level with age (7), or a bimodal distribution (8). have been reported in children. No study has included southern European children. Such data may be of interest, since differences in circulating IgD concentrations have been found between adult volunteers of different ethnic backgrounds (9). Thus, we determined serum IgD concentrations among healthy Italian children, using a highly sensitive, commercially available, radio immunodiffusion method (RID). IgD serum levels were determined in 208 healthy Italian children aged 0 to 18 years undergoing venopuncture before a minor surgical elective intervention. Informed consent to the study was obtained by the parents or legal guardians. The study received local Ethical Committee approval. Serum samples were stored at -70°C until tested. Serum IgD concentrations were determined using a commercial RID assay according to the manufacturer's instructions. (Human IgD NL BINDARID kit. Binding Site Inc., Birminghan, U.K.). The lower serum concentration of IgD quantifiable was 0.5 IU/mL.
机译:主席先生,有关健康受试者IgD血清水平的有限研究目前可用,并且结果存在差异。在成年人中,据报道IgD血清水平有很大变化,从无法检测到超过60 IU / mL(1,2)。分布的形状已被描述为单峰,双峰或三峰(2)。性别,人类白细胞抗原DR1单倍型,Gm异型和环境因素(例如吸烟)可能会影响血清IgD水平(2)。很少对儿童进行调查,结果可能难以解释,因为几项研究仅针对患有基础疾病(即特应性,腹腔疾病或先天性免疫缺陷)的儿童进行了研究(3-6)。 IgD水平随年龄线性增加(7),或双峰分布(8)。有儿童报道。没有研究包括南欧儿童。这样的数据可能是令人感兴趣的,因为在不同种族背景的成年志愿者之间发现了循环IgD浓度的差异(9)。因此,我们使用高度敏感的市售放射免疫扩散法(RID)测定了健康的意大利儿童的血清IgD浓度。在208例年龄在0到18岁之间的意大利健康儿童中,在进行轻微的手术择期干预之前,对他们进行了静脉穿刺,确定了IgD血清水平。父母或法定监护人已获得研究的知情同意。该研究获得了当地伦理委员会的批准。将血清样品储存在-70℃直至测试。血清IgD浓度根据制造商的说明使用商业RID测定法确定。 (Human IgD NL BINDARID kit.Binding Site Inc.,英国伯明翰)。可量化的较低的IgD血清浓度为0.5 IU / mL。



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