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Confidence in Altman-Bland plots: a critical review of the method of differences.


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1. Altman and Bland argue that the virtue of plotting differences against averages in method-comparison studies is that 95% confidence limits for the differences can be constructed. These allow authors and readers to judge whether one method of measurement could be substituted for another. 2. The technique is often misused. So I have set out, by statistical argument and worked examples, to advise pharmacologists and physiologists how best to construct these limits. 3. First, construct a scattergram of differences on averages, then calculate the line of best fit for the linear regression of differences on averages. If the slope of the regression is shown to differ from zero, there is proportional bias. 4. If there is no proportional bias and if the scatter of differences is uniform (homoscedasticity), construct 'classical' 95% confidence limits. 5. If there is proportional bias yet homoscedasticity, construct hyperbolic 95% confidence limits (prediction interval) around the line of best fit. 6. If there is proportional bias and the scatter of values for differences increases progressively as the average values increase (heteroscedasticity), log-transform the raw values from the two methods and replot differences against averages. If this eliminates proportional bias and heteroscedasticity, construct 'classical' 95% confidence limits. Otherwise, construct horizontal V-shaped 95% confidence limits around the line of best fit of differences on averages or around the weighted least products line of best fit to the original data. 7. In designing a method-comparison study, consult a qualified biostatistician, obey the rules of randomization and make replicate observations.
机译:1.奥特曼(Altman)和布兰德(Bland)认为,在方法比较研究中针对平均值绘制差异的好处在于,可以为差异构建95%的置信度。这些使作者和读者可以判断一种测量方法是否可以替代另一种测量方法。 2.该技术经常被滥用。因此,我通过统计论证和可行的例子提出了建议,以建议药理学家和生理学家如何最好地建立这些限制。 3.首先,构造一个均值差的散点图,然后计算最适合于均值差线性回归的线。如果回归的斜率显示为不同于零,则存在比例偏差。 4.如果没有比例偏差,并且差异的散布是均匀的(均方差),则构造“经典”的95%置信限。 5.如果存在比例偏差但均等,请在最佳拟合线附近构造双曲线95%置信极限(预测区间)。 6.如果存在比例偏差,并且平均值的增加(异方差),差异值的分散性逐渐增加,则对两种方法的原始值进行对数转换,并针对平均值重新绘制差异。如果这消除了比例偏差和异方差,请构造“经典” 95%置信度限制。否则,围绕平均差异的最佳拟合线或与原始数据最佳拟合的加权最小乘积线,构造水平的V形95%置信界限。 7.在设计方法比较研究时,请咨询合格的生物统计学家,遵守随机规则并进行重复观察。



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