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Local and regional scale biodiversity patterns of forest snail assemblages in Tuscany (central Italy)


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The land mollusc faunas of three forest areas of Tuscany (central Italy) were sampled to test the effect of geographical and environmental factors on the structure of biodiversity. A total of 60 sites were surveyed in the years 2009-2011, recording species richness and abundance of snails in 400 m(2) plots randomly selected in beech and oak woods. Sampling strategy relied on a combination of visual search and litter analysis. Environmental variables (topsoil pH and altitude) and UTM coordinates were recorded to detect relationships with species richness and number of individuals per plot. Abundance data were analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling and canonical correspondence analysis; faunal similarity within and between areas was computed by the Bray Curtis index and snail assemblages of the two forest types were compared. A total of 55 species were recorded, with low values of local richness and abundance per site compared to other forest sites in central and northern Europe. Total richness was similar in the three areas, but composition and local richness varied significantly between them. Geographical factors explained the highest percentage of variance, while habitat type, altitude and pH only accounted for a minor part. Internal similarity was greater than between-area similarity in two out of three areas. Beech forests had richer and more heterogeneous faunas, but lower levels of abundance than oak woods. The results are discussed in terms of historical biogeography and local environmental conditions, and compared with those from similar surveys across Europe.
机译:对托斯卡纳(意大利中部)三个森林地区的土地软体动物进行了采样,以测试地理和环境因素对生物多样性结构的影响。在2009年至2011年期间,总共对60个地点进行了调查,记录了在榉木和栎木中随机选择的400 m(2)样地中蜗牛的物种丰富度和丰富度。抽样策略依赖于视觉搜索和垃圾分析的结合。记录环境变量(表土的pH和高度)和UTM坐标,以检测与物种丰富度和每块地的个体数量之间的关系。使用非度量多维标度和规范对应分析来分析丰度数据;通过Bray Curtis指数计算区域内和区域间的动物区系相似性,并比较了两种森林类型的蜗牛组合。总共记录了55种,与中欧和北欧的其他森林地点相比,每个地点的本地丰富度和丰度低。这三个地区的总富裕度相似,但两者之间的组成和局部富裕度差异很大。地理因素解释了变异的最高百分比,而栖息地类型,海拔和pH值仅占一小部分。在三分之二的区域中,内部相似度大于区域间相似度。山毛榉森林的动物种类更加丰富多样,但其丰度却低于橡树林。将根据历史生物地理学和当地环境条件对结果进行讨论,并将结果与​​整个欧洲类似调查的结果进行比较。



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