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The flash-lag effect and equiluminance.


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An object briefly flashed adjacent to the path of another movingobject appears to spatially lag the moving object in the directionof its motion: the 'flash-lag effect'. A simple differentiallag model account of this effect suggests that it occurs becausethe moving object activates motion detectors in the faster magnocellularpathway, whereas the flashed object does not. This model was testedby reducing M-pathway involvement using isoluminant stimuli. Allfour participants, who were university undergraduate students, wereexposed to eight conditions, involving all possible combinationsof moving and flashing objects coloured either white or green, shownagainst either a grey or a black background. Green objects wereequiluminant with the grey background. The magnitude of the flash-lageffect was found using the method of constant stimuli. No reliablesupport was found for the hypothesis that equiluminance of the movingobject reduces the flash-lag effect. Instead an interaction wasfound where there was an effect of equiluminance on the flash, butonly when the moving object was not equiluminant. Such data is problematicfor this and other simple differential lag models of the flash-lageffect.



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