首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Electrocardiograms Corresponding to the Development of Myocardial Infarction in Anesthetized WHHLMI Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), an Animal Model for Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Electrocardiograms Corresponding to the Development of Myocardial Infarction in Anesthetized WHHLMI Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), an Animal Model for Familial Hypercholesterolemia


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The aim of this study was to determine whether features indicative of myocardial ischemia occur in the electrocardiograms (ECG) in myocardial infarction-prone Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHLMI) rabbits, an animal model for human familial hypercholesterolemia. ECG were recorded in 110 anesthetized WHHLMI rabbits (age, 10 to 39 mo) by using unipolar and bipolar limb leads with or without chest leads. We noted the following electrocardiographic changes: T wave inversion (37.4%), ST segment depression (31.8%), deep Q wave (16.3%), reduced R wave amplitude (7.3%), ST segment elevation (2.7%), and high T wave (1.8%). These ECG changes resembled those in human patients with coronary heart disease. Histopathologic examination revealed that the left ventricular wall showed acute myocardial lesions, including loss of cross-striations, vacuolar degeneration, coagulation necrosis of cardiac myocytes, and edema between myofibrils, in addition to chronic myocardial lesions such as myocardial fibrosis. The coronary arteries that caused these ECG changes were severely stenosed due to atherosclerotic lesions. Ischemic ECG changes corresponded to the locations of the myocardial lesions. Normal ECG waveforms were similar between WHHLMI rabbits and humans, in contrast to the large differences between rabbits and mice or rats. In conclusion, ischemic ECG changes in WHHLMI rabbits reflect the location of myocardial lesions, making this model useful for studying coronary heart disease.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定在易​​患心肌梗塞的渡边可遗传性高脂血症(WHHLMI)兔(人类家族性高胆固醇血症的动物模型)的心电图(ECG)中是否存在指示心肌缺血的特征。在110只麻醉过的WHHLMI兔子(年龄10至39个月)中,使用有或没有胸导联的单极和双极肢体导联记录了ECG。我们注意到以下心电图变化:T波倒置(37.4%),ST段压低(31.8%),深Q波(16.3%),R波振幅降低(7.3%),ST段抬高(2.7%)和高T波(1.8%)。这些ECG改变与患有冠心病的人类患者相似。组织病理学检查显示,左心室壁表现出急性心肌损伤,除了诸如心肌纤维化之类的慢性心肌损伤外,还包括横纹消失,液泡变性,心肌细胞凝结坏死和肌原纤维之间的水肿。由于动脉粥样硬化病变,导致这些ECG改变的冠状动脉严重狭窄。缺血性ECG的变化与心肌病变的位置相对应。 WHHLMI兔和人之间的正常ECG波形相似,而兔,小鼠或大鼠之间的差异很大。总之,WHHLMI家兔的缺血性ECG变化反映了心肌病变的位置,从而使该模型可用于研究冠心病。



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