首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 無線通信システム. Radio Communication Systems >New designs of low/high pass and band pass/stop FIR digital filters template

New designs of low/high pass and band pass/stop FIR digital filters template


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Fourier series expansion is used to explore the relationship between the coefficients of halfband lowpass and general bandpass FIR digital filters. This relationship is used to derive new designs of band pass/stop and low/high pass MAXFLAT FIR digital filters from an available design of halfband lowpass MAXFLAT FIR digital filters. The presented designs have explicit formulas for the filter coefficients, and can give infinite number of distinct filters of any finite length. The formulas we modified to obtain a new class of filters, which allow a reduction in the transition bandwidth at the expense of smoothness of the magnitude response, and have a performance comparable to that of the minimax filters.
机译:傅里叶级数展开用于探索半带低通系数与通用带通FIR数字滤波器的系数之间的关系。这种关系用于从可用的半带低通MAXFLAT FIR数字滤波器设计中推导带通/阻带和低/高通MAXFLAT FIR数字滤波器的新设计。提出的设计具有明确的滤波器系数公式,并且可以给出无限数量的任意有限长度的不同滤波器。我们对公式进行了修改,以获得一类新的滤波器,该滤波器允许以幅度响应的平滑性为代价来减小过渡带宽,并具有可与minimax滤波器相媲美的性能。



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