首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 信号処理. Signal Processing >Employing Generalized Normalized Least Mean p-Power (GNLMP) Algorithm for Active Noise Control of Impulsive Noise Sources

Employing Generalized Normalized Least Mean p-Power (GNLMP) Algorithm for Active Noise Control of Impulsive Noise Sources


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In this paper, we consider active noise control (ANC) of impulsive noise sources. The impulsive noise can be modeled using non-Gaussian stable process for which the second order moments do not exist and, hence, the filtered-x-LMS (FxLMS) algorithm; the most famous ANC algorithm which is based on minimization of the variance of the error signal; becomes unstable for the impulsive noise. It has been shown that the filtered-x least mean p-power (FxLMP) algorithm; based on minimizing the fractional lower order moments that do exist for stable distributions; gives robust performance for impulsive ANC. However, the convergence speed of the FxLMP algorithm is very slow. Recently; we have proposed various variants of FxLMP algorithm, so that an improved convergence and noise reduction performance is achieved. In this paper, we propose modifying and employing generalized normalized LMP (GNLMP) algorithm for ANC of impulsive noise. The computational complexity of proposed algorithm is comparable to the existing LMP-based ANC algorithms. Extensive simulations are carried out, which demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed algorithm in comparison with the existing LMP-based algorithms.



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