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Tart Cherry Rootstocks and Precision Production Systems


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Growth of the tart cherry industry in Michigan accelerated in the early 1960s with adoption of new technology which deployed branch and trunk shakers and catch-frame/tarps. The protocols called for growing large trees of the 'Montmorency' variety, planted at typical spacings of 15 X 20 feet (145 Trees /Acre). Mature traditionally grown Montmorency cherry orchards in Michigan produce 8,200 pounds per acre (McManus, 2012) and generally can't begin harvesting until the 6th growing season to avoid excessive damage to young tree trunks. Traditionally managed trees commonly suffer long term trunk damage which shortens tree and orchard life to 20-25 years limited productivity to 20 years. Future prospect for profitability in the traditional system is questionable (McManus, 2012).
机译:1960年代初,密歇根州的酸樱桃工业的增长加速,采用了新技术,该技术部署了树枝和树干振动筛以及捕获器/油布。该协议要求种植“ Montmorency”品种的大树,种植时的典型间距为15 X 20英尺(145棵树/英亩)。密西根州成熟成熟的蒙莫朗西樱桃园每英亩产量为8200磅(McManus,2012年),通常要等到第6个生长季节才能开始收获,以免对幼树树干造成过度破坏。传统管理的树木通常会遭受长期的树干破坏,从而将树木和果园的寿命缩短至20-25年,而生产力则降低至20年。传统系统未来的盈利前景令人怀疑(McManus,2012)。



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