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2014 Progress Report -Cold Hardiness Testing of Apple Rootstock Genotypes in Maine


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Three experiments were conducted in the last year to test cold hardiness in apple rootstocks.Experiment 1. We measured the relative level of hardiness in 10 Geneva selections, three Vineland selections, as well as in M.7, M.9 G.30, G.41 and G.935 in January, April and October 2014. This was the second and third year of the three-year study. In fall 2014, rootstocks were tested twice to measure the change after exposure to freezing temperature. Since very little difference in hardiness occurs in Jan-uary, midwinter measurements will not be repeated in 2015. Instead, additional measurement will be done in spring as trees lose hardiness. Bud.9 was added to the collection in fall 2014.
机译:去年,我们进行了三个实验来测试苹果砧木的耐寒性。实验1.我们测量了10个日内瓦选种,三个Vineland选种以及M.7,M.9 G.30, 2014年1月,4月和10月的G.41和G.935。这是三年研究的第二年和第三年。 2014年秋季,对砧木进行了两次测试,以测量暴露于冷冻温度后的变化。由于1月至4月的硬度差异不大,因此在2015年冬季将不再重复测量。相反,由于树木的硬度下降,春季将进行其他测量。 Bud.9在2014年秋季加入收藏。



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