首页> 外文期刊>材料と環境 >Deterioration of Platinum in a Hydrogen-Sodium Coexisting Environment

Deterioration of Platinum in a Hydrogen-Sodium Coexisting Environment


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It is known that heating platinum, which possesses excellent corrosion resistance, for several hours in a hydrogen atmosphere at a temperature of approximately 300 deg C causes the platinum to deteriorate to a sponge-like state. A study of the deterioration of platinum in a hydrogen and sodium atmosphere created in a laboratory yielded the following results(1) When sodium compounds are present in a reducing atmosphere, the platinum itself deteriorates even at low temperatures. When platinum was heated in an oxidizing atmosphere, no particular deterioration was observed.(2) The following conditions supposes to be needed for platinum deterioration to occur;a. Reducible sodium compounds are deposited and heated in the reducing atmosphere, becoming sodium, orb. When the temperature is raised to a high temperature during pretreatment, the sodium changes temporarily to a gaseous state and then, when the temperature is lowered, the sodium becomes metallic sodium and is precipitated.No platinum deterioration occurs when the platinum is simply exposed to an oxidizing atmosphere.(3) Activation energy of 20 kJ/mol is needed for platinum deterioration to occur. This value is equivalent to the energy needed for self-diffusion of liquid metal, liquid alloy and simple fused salt.
机译:已知将具有优异的耐腐蚀性的铂在氢气氛中在大约300℃的温度下加热几个小时,导致铂劣化为海绵状。在实验室中对氢和钠气氛中铂的劣化进行研究的结果如下:(1)当还原性气氛中存在钠化合物时,即使在低温下铂本身也会劣化。当在氧化气氛中加热铂时,没有观察到特别的变质。(2)假定发生铂变质需要以下条件; a。可还原的钠化合物沉积并在还原气氛中加热,成为钠或球体。在预处理过程中将温度升高到高温时,钠会暂时变为气态,然后在温度降低时钠变成金属钠并沉淀出来。 (3)要使铂变质,需要20 kJ / mol的活化能。该值等于液态金属,液态合金和简单熔融盐自扩散所需的能量。



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