首页> 外文期刊>環境資源工学 >Water Purification Properties of Charcoal Bricks Made from Beer Lees

Water Purification Properties of Charcoal Bricks Made from Beer Lees


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The charcoal brick made from beer lees (CBBL) was investigated as the material for purification of lake water. The beer lees containing 67wt percent water were first dried and then the dried beer lees were pressed at high temperature and pressure to make beer lees brick without any binder. The beer lees brick was carbonized in a low oxygen atmosphere to produce charcoal brick. The CBBL is useful for the carrier of microorganisms and it is possible to reduce soluble organisms and soluble nitrogen as same as charcoal. The CBBL contains phosphorus at the ratio of about 2wt percent, which is soluble in water. The addition of 20wt percent CaCO_3 to the dried beer lees in the pressing process is beneficial to prevent solubilization of phosphorus in the CBBL. The CBBL does not have a weak point that it is abased in the purification column compared with the charcoal used in usual water purification.
机译:研究了用啤酒糟(CBBL)制成的木炭砖作为净化湖水的材料。首先将含水量为67wt%的啤酒渣干燥,然后在高温和高压下将干燥的啤酒渣压制成没有任何粘合剂的啤酒渣砖。将啤酒渣砖在低氧气氛下碳化以生产木炭砖。 CBBL可用于微生物的载体,并且可以像木炭一样还原可溶性生物和可溶性氮。 CBBL含有约2wt%的磷,可溶于水。在压榨过程中向干燥的啤酒糟中添加20wt%的CaCO_3有助于防止磷在CBBL中溶解。与普通水净化中使用的木炭相比,CBBL没有缺点,它在净化塔中是无碱的。



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