首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >Waiting by mistake: Symbolic representation of rewards modulates intertemporal choice in capuchin monkeys, preschool children and adult humans

Waiting by mistake: Symbolic representation of rewards modulates intertemporal choice in capuchin monkeys, preschool children and adult humans


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In the Delay choice task subjects choose between a smaller immediate option and a larger delayed option. This paradigm, also known as intertemporal choice task, is frequently used to assess delay tolerance, interpreting a preference for the larger delayed option as willingness to wait. However, in the Delay choice task subjects face a dilemma between two preferred responses: ‘‘go for more’’ (i.e., selecting the larger, but delayed, option) vs. ‘‘go for sooner’’ (i.e., selecting the immediate, but smaller, option). When the options consist of visible food amounts, at least some of the choices of the larger delayed option might be due to a failure to inhibit a prepotent response towards the larger option rather than to a sustained delay tolerance. To disentangle this issue, we tested 10 capuchin monkeys, 101 preschool children, and 88 adult humans in a Delay choice task with food, low-symbolic tokens (objects that can be exchanged with food and have a one-to-one correspondence with food items), and high-symbolic tokens (objects that can be exchanged with food and have a one-to-many correspondence with food items). This allows evaluating how different methods of representing rewards modulate the relative contribution of the ‘‘go for more’’ and ‘‘go for sooner’’ responses. Consistently with the idea that choices for the delayed option are sometimes due to a failure at inhibiting the prepotent response for the larger quantity, we expected high-symbolic tokens to decrease the salience of the larger option, thus reducing ‘‘go for more’’ responses. In fact, previous findings have shown that inhibiting prepotent responses for quantity is easier when the problem is framed in a symbolic context. Overall, opting for the larger delayed option in the visible-food version of the Delay choice task seems to partially result from an impulsive preference for quantity, rather than from a sustained delay tolerance. In capuchins and children high-symbolic stimuli decreased the individual’s preference for the larger reward by distancing from its appetitive features. Conversely, the sophisticated symbolic skills of adult humans prevented the distancing effect of high-symbolic stimuli in this population, although this result may be due to methodological differences between adult humans and the other two populations under study. Our data extend the knowledge concerning the influence of symbols on both human and non-human primate behavior and add a new element to the interpretation of the Delay choice task. Since high-symbolic stimuli decrease the individual’s preference for the larger reward by eliminating those choices due to prepotent responses towards the larger quantity, they allow to better discriminate responses based on genuine delay aversion. Thus, these findings invite greater caution in interpreting the results obtained with the visible-food version of the Delay choice task, which may overestimate delay tolerance.
机译:在“延迟选择”任务中,主题可以在较小的立即选项和较大的延迟选项之间进行选择。这种范例,也称为跨时间选择任务,经常用于评估延迟容忍度,将对较大延迟选项的偏好解释为等待的意愿。但是,在“延迟选择”任务中,受试者面临两个首选响应之间的两难选择:“追求更多”(即选择较大但延迟的选项)与“争取更快”(即选择即时选择) ,但较小)。当选项包括可见的食物量时,较大延迟选项的至少某些选择可能是由于未能抑制对较大选项的有力反应,而不是持续的延迟容忍度造成的。为了弄清这个问题,我们测试了10个卷尾猴,101个学龄前儿童和88个成年人类,进行了带有食物,低符号标记(可以与食物交换并与食物一对一对应的对象)的“延迟选择”任务物品)和高符号标记(可以与食物交换的对象,并且与食物具有一对多的对应关系)。这样可以评估代表奖励的不同方法如何调整“追求更多”和“争取更快”响应的相对贡献。与这样的想法一致,即延迟选项的选择有时是由于无法抑制较大数量的潜在响应而导致的,我们希望高符号标记会降低较大选项的显着性,从而减少“追求更多”回应。实际上,以前的发现表明,当问题是在符号环境中提出时,抑制对数量的优势响应会更容易。总体而言,在“延迟选择”任务的可见食品版本中选择较大的延迟选项似乎部分是由于对数量的冲动偏好,而不是持续的延迟容忍度。在卷尾猴和儿童中,高符号刺激会通过偏离其食欲特征而降低个人对更大奖励的偏好。相反,尽管该结果可能是由于成年人与其他两个研究对象之间在方法上的差异所致,但成年人的先进符号技能阻止了高符号刺激对该人群的疏远作用。我们的数据扩展了有关符号对人类和非人类灵长类动物行为影响的知识,并为“延迟选择”任务的解释添加了新元素。由于高符号刺激会通过消除对较大数量的有力响应而导致的选择而降低个人对较大奖励的偏好,因此它们可以根据真实的延迟厌恶更好地区分响应。因此,这些发现在解释使用“延迟选择”任务的可见食物版本获得的结果时要格外谨慎,因为这可能会高估延迟容忍度。



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