首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >Dissociating Simon and affordance compatibility effects: Silhouettes and photographs

Dissociating Simon and affordance compatibility effects: Silhouettes and photographs


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When a graspable object's handle is oriented to the same side as the response hand, responses are quicker and more accurate than when it is oriented to the opposite side. This effect has been attributed to the affordance of the object's handle (Tucker & Ellis, 1998). Recent findings suggest this effect results instead from an abstract spatial response code (i.e., Simon effect; Cho & Proctor, 2010). However, the stimuli used in these previous studies differ in the amount of object and environmental depth information they contain, which may be critical to conveying an affordance. This information could explain these disparate findings as well as dissociate Simon and affordance compatibility effects. Four experiments demonstrate that the Simon effect results from the absence of this information, as in a silhouette, and the affordance effect results from its presence, as in a photograph. A fifth experiment confirmed that modifying information associated with the affordance, rather than the modification itself, produced the effects observed in the previous experiments. These findings support the following: (a) the internal details of an object and environmental depth can dissociate Simon and affordance compatibility effects, (b) this information is necessary to convey the object's graspable affordance, and (c) the outer shape of the object is not sufficient to elicit an affordance effect. These findings are discussed in relation to the theory of embodied cognition.
机译:当可抓握的对象的手柄与响应手位于同一侧时,响应要比与之相对的方向更快,更准确。这种效果归因于物体把手的承受能力(Tucker&Ellis,1998)。最近的发现表明,这种效果是由抽象的空间响应代码引起的(即Simon效果; Cho&Proctor,2010)。然而,这些先前研究中使用的刺激在它们所包含的物体和环境深度信息的数量上是不同的,这对于传达能力是至关重要的。此信息可以解释这些不同的发现,以及使西蒙和承兑能力兼容性效应分离。四个实验表明,Simon效果是由于缺少此信息而产生的,如轮廓所示,而承受能力的结果是由于其存在而导致的,如照片中所示。第五个实验证实,修改与价格相关的信息,而不是修改本身,产生了在先前实验中观察到的效果。这些发现支持以下内容:(a)对象的内部细节和环境深度可以使Simon和承托能力兼容性效应分离,(b)此信息对于传达对象的可抓握能力是必需的,并且(c)对象的外形不足以引起负担能力。这些发现是关于体现认知理论进行讨论的。



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