首页> 外文期刊>Cognitive Behaviour Therapist >What should psychiatric trainees in years 1-3 gain from CBT training? Implications from a Royal College Divisional Workshop

What should psychiatric trainees in years 1-3 gain from CBT training? Implications from a Royal College Divisional Workshop


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Competencies for psychiatric training have been developed that reflect what psychiatrists have to be able to do in order to function in their role. Although the need for a formally delivered psychotherapy experience is assumed and associated competencies are represented in the curriculum, it is not clear which competencies thereby achieved can be translated into generic practice. This paper reports the outcomes of a workshop held at an academic regional meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Potential competencies to be achieved following training and experience in CBT were presented. Small group review of the frameworks and subsequent feedback demonstrated broad support for requirements of CBT knowledge and attitudinal competencies that could inform day-to-day practice, within a generic psychotherapeutic skills framework. New competencies that were related to CBT and considered meaningful in daily psychiatric practice emerged. Further development of these ideas from the workshop in this paper leads to a set of coherent competencies that would be helpful in non-CBT specialist practice and are congruent with the context of generic psychiatric practice. These enable models of training other than the delivery of a single 'brief psychotherapy case to be considered.



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