首页> 外文期刊>生物環境調節 >Effects of controlled atmosphere, low light irradiation using red light emitting diodes and nutrient gel application during low temperature storage on the visual quality of postharvest chervils (Anthriscus cerefolium L.)

Effects of controlled atmosphere, low light irradiation using red light emitting diodes and nutrient gel application during low temperature storage on the visual quality of postharvest chervils (Anthriscus cerefolium L.)

机译:受控气氛,在低温储存期间使用红色发光二极管进行的低照度照射和营养胶的施用对采后山vil(Anthriscus cerefolium L.)视觉品质的影响

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Chervils (Anthriscus cerefolium L.), a kind of fresh culinary herb, harvested and packed in drawn polystyrene packages in a commercial operation were stored at 5 deg C for 27 d under different gas compositions (0.05% CO_2+20% O_2, L; 0.5% CO_2+ 10% O_2, M; 1% CO_2+5% O_2, H) at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 0 (dark, D) or 1 (low light irradiation using an array of red light-emitting diodes, R) #mu#mol m~(-2) s~(-1), applying (A) or without applying (N) a nutrient agar-gel to the cut ends of their stems. The color difference (#DELTA#E~*ab) value of the leaves of chervils in MRA was kept less than 4 during storage, and was significantly lower than the other treatments including LDN (control: usual low temperature storage) with a #DELTA#E~*ab of 16 on the last day of storage (day 27). #DELTA#E~*ab values in LDN, HDN and MRA were less than 3 (stored chervils with #DELTA#E~*ab values less than 3 are considered salable) until day 12, day 18 and day 27, respectively, indicating that storage duration of postharvest chervils stored under controlled atmosphere (CA) and CA combined with low light irradiation and nutrient gel application was prolonged 1.5 times and 2.3 times longer, respectively, than under usual low temperature storage. Subjective visual quality scores showed a similar tendency to that on #DELTA#E~*ab; the total percentage of scores 3 (salable) and 2 (limit of salability) in MRA and HRA was both 90% while that was 59% in LDN. These results indicate that CA combined with low light irradiation and nutrient gel application was effective for preservation of the visual quality of postharvest chervils during low temperature storage.
机译:以商业操作方式收获并包装在拉制的聚苯乙烯包装中的一种新鲜烹饪草本植物山茱vil(Canvils cerefolium L.)在5摄氏度下在不同的气体组成下(0.05%CO_2 + 20%O_2,L; 0.5%的CO_2 + 10%的O_2,M; 1%的CO_2 + 5%的O_2,H)的光合光子通量密度为0(暗,D)或1(使用红色发光二极管阵列R的弱光照射) #mu#mol m〜(-2)s〜(-1),在其茎的切端涂上(A)或不涂(N)营养琼脂。在贮藏过程中,MRA中山叶片的色差(​​#DELTA#E〜* ab)值保持小于4,并且显着低于其他使用#DELTA的LDN处理(对照:通常的低温贮藏)存储的最后一天(第27天)中的#E〜* ab(共16个)。 LDN,HDN和MRA中的#DELTA#E〜* ab值分别小于3(存储的#DELTA#E〜* ab值小于3的山被认为可销售),直到第12天,第18天和第27天为止。与普通的低温储存相比,在受控气氛(CA)和CA结合弱光照射和营养胶施用的条件下,采后山的储存时间分别延长了1.5倍和2.3倍。主观视觉质量得分显示出与#DELTA#E〜* ab相似的趋势;在MRA和HRA中,得分3(可售)和2(可销售性极限)的总百分比均为90%,而在LDN中则为59%。这些结果表明,在低温保存期间,CA结合弱光照射和营养胶的施用可有效保持采后山的视觉质量。



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