首页> 外文期刊>森林総合研究所研究報告 >Effects of typhoons on leaf fall in hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) plantations in Shikoku Island

Effects of typhoons on leaf fall in hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) plantations in Shikoku Island

机译:四国岛扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher)人工林的台风对叶片倒塌的影响

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Leaf fall was measured for 5 years (2002-2006) in adjacent thinned and unthinned plantations of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) at two different elevations in Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku Island, Japan. The region was hit by severe typhoons in 2004 and annual leaf fall in that year was1.17- 2.25 times greater than that in the pre-typhoon period (2002-2003). The effect of the typhoons on annual leaf-fall was greater at the higher elevation. At each elevation, the effect was greater in thethinned plots than in the unthinned plot. Post-typhoon annual leaf-fall (2005-2006) was1.05-1.41times greater than that in the pre-typhoon period (2002-2003). Although the impact of typhoons was greater in the thinned plots, the recovery of leaf litterwas not different between the tmnned and unthinned plots. The time of leaf fall in the typhoon year became earlier in forests at the higher elevation. At the lower elevation, leaf-fall duration increased in 2004 but the time of leaf fall did not change.The results indicate that susceptibility to strong winds is different between higher and lower elevations: greater leaf fall occurs immediately after strong winds at higher elevations, whereas leaves do not fall immediately after strong winds and damagedleaves fall gradually at lower elevations. These results suggest that the annual leaf fall can be recovered rapidly and that new leaf production may increase substantially after typhoon disturbance.
机译:在日本四国岛高知县的两个不同海拔高度的扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher)相邻稀疏和未稀疏的人工林中测量了5年(2002-2006年)的落叶。该地区在2004年遭受了严重的台风袭击,那年的年度落叶是台风前期(2002-2003年)的1.17-2.25倍。在海拔较高的地区,台风对年度落叶的影响更大。在每个高程处,薄地带的影响要大于未薄地带的影响。台风后的年度落叶(2005-2006年)是台风前期(2002-2003年)的1.05-1.41倍。尽管在稀疏地块上台风的影响更大,但在修剪过和未稀疏地块上,凋落物的回收率没有差异。台风年份的落叶时间在海拔较高的森林中变得更早。在低海拔地区,2004年的落叶持续时间增加了,但落叶的时间没有变化。结果表明,高海拔和低海拔地区对强风的敏感性不同:较高海拔的强风之后立即发生了较大的落叶,而在强风下叶子不会立即掉落,而损坏的叶子在较低的高度会逐渐掉落。这些结果表明,一年来的落叶可以迅速恢复,并且在台风干扰后,新叶片的产量可能会大大增加。



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