首页> 外文期刊>日本作物学会紀事 >Studies on direct sowing culture of rice in northern Kyushu. Effects of seedling establishment density and sowing styles on the growth and palatability of milled rice

Studies on direct sowing culture of rice in northern Kyushu. Effects of seedling establishment density and sowing styles on the growth and palatability of milled rice


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The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of seedling establishment density and sowing methods on the growth, palatability, and physicochemical properties of milled rice direct sowing in flooded paddy fields in northern Kyushu. The density of 80 seedlings/m2 under direct sowing culture was stable and superior in lodging tolerance, yielding ability, palatability, and physicochemical properties of milled rice than other densities (i.e., 20, 40, 100, 150, and 200 seedlings/m2). Furthermore,the palatability (i.e., overall eating quality) of cooked rice showed a significant negative correlation with the protein content of milled rice. The protein content of milled rice from 80 seedlings/m2 was lower than that of milled rice from other densities under different conditions such as production year and cultivars. A comparative study with three sowing methods (in hills, rows, and broadcast under direct sowing) was made on the lodging tolerance, yielding ability and palatability of milled rice.The lodging tolerance of hill sowing was superior to row and broadcast sowings. The yielding ability of hill and row sowings was superior to broadcast sowing. On the other hand, no significant difference was noted among these three sowing styles in relation to the palatability and physicochemical properties of milled rice. Judging from the deterioration of palatability caused by lodging, it is concluded that hill sowing was the most suitable and broadcast sowing the least suitable for direct sowing culture in flooded paddy fields.
机译:这项研究的目的是弄清九州北部水田稻苗密度和播种方法对稻谷直接播种的生长,适口性和理化特性的影响。直接播种的80苗/ m2的密度是稳定的,并且比其他密度(即20、40、100、150和200苗/ m2)的碾米的抗倒伏性,产量,适口性和理化特性优越。 。此外,煮熟的米饭的适口性(即总体食用质量)与碾米的蛋白质含量显示出显着的负相关。在不同的条件下(例如生产年份和品种),每平方米80个幼苗的精米的蛋白质含量低于其他密度的精米的蛋白质含量。对三种碾米方法(在丘陵,行和直接播种下播种)的碾米的倒伏耐受性,产量和适口性进行了比较研究。小山播种的倒伏耐受性优于行播和播种。小山和行播种的产量能力优于播种。另一方面,在这三种播种方式中,关于碾米的适口性和理化特性没有显着差异。从倒伏引起的适口性下降,可以得出结论,在水淹稻田中,丘陵播种最适合直接播种,而播播播种最不适合。



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