首页> 外文期刊>日本水産学会誌 >Compariosn of physical characteristics of the spawning redds between the fluvial Japanese charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and the masu salnon Oncorhynchus masou masou in the headwaters of the kinu river, central Japan

Compariosn of physical characteristics of the spawning redds between the fluvial Japanese charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and the masu salnon Oncorhynchus masou masou in the headwaters of the kinu river, central Japan

机译:在日本中部基努河上游的日本河豚Salvelinus leucomaenis和马苏松鼠Oncorhynchus masou masou之间产卵发红的物理特征比较

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Water depth, current velocity, substrate size, stream bed type, and presence of cover at spawning sites of the fluvial Japanese charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and the masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou were studied in the headwaters of the Kinu River, central Japan, in 1991 and 1996. Water depth and median diameter of substrate were similar at both charr and salomon redds. However, current velocities were significantly slower at the redds of the charr than those of the salmon. Many salmon redds were observed at the pool ends, flat riffles, and rapid riffles where water currents were faster and direct. By contrast, charr redds were observed not only at such sites but also at pool shores and backwaters of obstructions (Boulders and bedrocks) were observed at the salmon redds. Relative wide spawning site selectivity of the charr may play an immportant role on the population continuance in the headwater reaches and small tributaries where the suitable spawning sites were scarce because of the steeper stream bed gradient. Also, the different spawning site selectivities between both species may play a role on the co-existence of both populations in their sympatric areas.
机译:1991年在日本中部Kinu河的上游研究了河水黑皮日本鲑Charvelinus leucomaenis和masu鲑Oncorhynchus masou masou产卵点的水深,流速,底物大小,河床类型和覆盖物的存在。 1996年。炭黑和所罗门红的水深和基质的中值直径相似。但是,炭黑的当前速度明显比鲑鱼慢。在水流更快,更直接的池头,平坦的浅滩和快速浅滩上观察到许多鲑鱼泛红。相比之下,不仅在这样的地点还观察到​​炭黑变红,在鲑鱼变红点上也观察到了池岸和阻塞物(卵石和基岩)的回水。相对较宽的产卵位选择性可能对上游源头和小型支流的种群持续性起重要作用,在这些支流中,由于河床坡度较陡,因此没有合适的产卵位。同样,两个物种之间不同的产卵位选择性可能在同居地区这两个种群的共存中发挥作用。



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