首页> 外文期刊>農業気象 >Four-year monitoring of atmospheric ammonia using passive samplers at a single-crop rice paddy field in central Japan

Four-year monitoring of atmospheric ammonia using passive samplers at a single-crop rice paddy field in central Japan


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The aim of this study was to clarify the atmospbere-paddy exchange of ammonia (NH3) at a single-crop rice paddy field in central Japan. Measurements of NH3 air concentrations were carried out using passive samplers at two heights above the ground surface (4.0 and1.5 m) on a weekly basis over a four-year period. The mean NH3 air concentrations 士 standard deviations at 4.0 m were 2.5 士 0.8 and 3.0 ±1.0 (20°C, 1013 hPa) in the cropping and fallow seasons, respectively. Sharp increases in the NH_3 concentrations coincided with the application of poultry manure and post-harvest fieia-burning activities; those values exceeded the 95% range of the weekly mean concentrations. The NH_3 exchange fluxes were calculated using a gradient method in wnich theflux was expressed as the product of the difference in air concentrations multiplied by the diffusion velocity between the two heights. The mean NH_3 exchange fluxes 士 standard deviations were 0.016 士 0.022 and 0.019 士 0.113 (ig N m~(-2) s~(-1) of deposition in the cropping and fallow seasons, respectively; where the weekly mean flux was assumed to be zero if the difference in the air concentrations between the two heights was not significant (p < 0.05). In general, the paddy field acted as a net sink of atmospheric NH_3, with an annual net deposition of 7-9 kg N ha~(-1) yr~(-1). However, the application of poultry manure in February 2008 induced a strong NH_3 emission of approximately10 kg N ha~(-1) during three weeks, which nearly counterbalancedthe annual deposition for an entire year. Passive samplers are a convenient option for long-term monitoring, although the weekly mean exchange fluxes of NH_3 had a systematic error; a case study showed a 66% overestimation for the weekly mean exchange flux.
机译:这项研究的目的是弄清楚日本中部单作稻田的氨水(NH3)在大气-稻田间的交换。 NH3空气浓度的测量是在四年的时间内每周一次在地表以上两个高度(4.0和1.5 m)进行的。在种植季节和休耕季节,在4.0 m处的平均NH3空气平均浓度标准偏差分别为2.5±0.8和3.0±1.0(20°C,1013 hPa)。 NH_3浓度的急剧增加与施用家禽粪便和采伐后的FIA燃烧活动相吻合;这些值超出了每周平均浓度的95%范围。 NH_3交换通量是使用梯度方法计算的,通量表示为空气浓度差乘以两个高度之间的扩散速度的乘积。 NH_3交换通量的平均标准偏差为0.016±0.022和0.019·0.113(ig N m〜(-2)s〜(-1)分别在种植季节和休耕季节;其中假定每周平均通量为如果两个高度之间的空气浓度差异不显着,则为零(p <0.05)。通常,水田是大气NH_3的净汇,年净沉积量为7-9 kg N ha〜 (-1)yr〜(-1)。然而,2008年2月施用家禽粪便在三周内产生了约10 kg N ha〜(-1)的NH_3强烈排放,几乎抵消了全年的年沉积量。被动采样器是长期监视的便捷选择,尽管NH_3的每周平均交换通量存在系统误差;案例研究表明,每周平均交换通量高估了66%。



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