首页> 外文期刊>明治大学農学部研究報告 >Effects of Quercetin on the Physiological Viability of Shiba-goat Neutrophils Assayed by Trypan-blue Staining, Fluorescein Diacetate (FDA) Radiation and MTT Assay

Effects of Quercetin on the Physiological Viability of Shiba-goat Neutrophils Assayed by Trypan-blue Staining, Fluorescein Diacetate (FDA) Radiation and MTT Assay


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Effects of quercetin on the physiological viability of Shiba-goat neutrophils were examined in vitro. Neutrophils are the most numerous type of leucocyte which migrate to the mammary gland and attack microbes at a mastitis outbreak in goats and cows.Quercetin was intended to be used for the medical treatment of subclinical mastitis. The viability of neutrophils isolated from Shiba-goat blood was assayed by Trypan-blue staining, Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) radiation and MTT assay. In Trypan-blue staining, the viability of neutrophils was reduced with over 40 mu M quercetin during 48 h cultivation. In FDA radiation, the viability was injured with over 80 mu M quercetin during 48 h. In MTT assay, MTT was assumed to be reduced not only by mitochondrialenzyme in the living cells but also by the quercetin added. However, the fall of the viability was observed during the incubation, and a higher concentration (160 mu M) of quercetin was more noxious to the cell viability. It was shown conclusively that,alow concentration (20 mu M) of quercetin was assumed to be effective for sustaining the neutrophil viability in the early stage (24 h) of leucocyte migration.



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