首页> 外文期刊>九州沖縄農業研究センタ-報告 >Development and characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line 'Mi44'.

Development and characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line 'Mi44'.

机译:玉米自交系“ Mi44”的发育和特性。

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A new maize inbred line, Mi44, was developed by the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region (formerly Kyushu National Agricultural Research Station) and registered as Nourin Kou Oya No. 52 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan in October 2001. Mi44 was selected from sib-cross progeny of P3358, originating from a dent group in the United States. It was selected for resistance to lodging, southern leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis [Cochliobolus heterostrophus]) and sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani), and for high combining ability. Selection and selfing were conducted until the S6 generation. Mi44 belongs to the medium-maturing group in Kyushu. It shows high levels of lodging resistance and strong resistance to southern leaf blight and sheath blight, and exhibits excellent combining ability with inbreds derived from a Japanese flint group and inbreds derived from American dent groups. Mi44 is the seed parent of a single-cross hybrid cultivar, Yumetsuyoshi, which shows high yield and strong lodging resistance. The stalk length is moderately long and the ear height is intermediate. The plant type is upright. The seed yield ability is intermediate. The ear has an average of 12.1 rows of round, orange kernels with a 100-kernel weight of 30.8 g.
机译:九州冲绳县国立农业研究中心(原九州国立农业研究站)开发了一种新的玉米自交系Mi44,十月被日本农林水产省注册为Nourin Kou Oya No. 52。 2001。Mi44选自P3358的同胞杂交后代,起源于美国的dent组。选择它具有抗倒伏性,南方叶枯病(Bipolaris maydis [Cochliobolus heterostrophus])和鞘枯病(Rhizoctonia solani)的特性,并且具有很高的结合能力。进行选择和自交直到S6代。 Mi44属于九州的中等成熟组。它显示出高水平的抗倒伏性,并且对南方叶枯病和鞘枯病具有很强的抵抗力,并且与来自日本火石组的近交系和来自美国凹痕组的近交系具有优异的结合能力。 Mi44是单杂交种Yumetsuyoshi的种子亲本,它表现出高产量和强大的抗倒伏性。茎长适中,耳高适中。植物类型是直立的。种子产量能力是中等的。耳朵平均有12.1排圆形橙色果仁,百粒重30.8克。



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