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Sleep-independent off-line enhancement and time of the day effects in three forms of skill learning


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The role of sleep in memory and skill-learning processes is an important and widely debated issue. The current study explores the nature of the relationship between sleep and off-line improvement in three tasks for measuring different aspects of skill learning: the serial reaction time (SRT) task, which is a motor sequence learning task; the artificial grammar learning (AGL) task, testing abstract verbal sequence learning; and the weather prediction (WP) task, which is a non-sequential categorization task. Each participant was tested on one of the three tasks twice, either in a Wake condition (with a 12-h off-line period without sleep), or in a Sleep condition (with sleep). Results showed no sleep-related off-line improvement throughout the three tasks in a two-session re-learning design, but a sleep-independent time-based effect was found on the SRT task. No performance boost was observed in the WP and AGL tasks. Performance on the SRT showed a time of the day effect: the Sleep group outperforming the Wake group; however, this effect was restricted to overall response latencies. Taken together, no evidence was found in favor of sleep-dependent off-line enhancement in skill learning, but methodological concerns warrant further investigations.
机译:睡眠在记忆和技能学习过程中的作用是一个重要且广泛争论的问题。当前的研究探讨了衡量技能学习不同方面的三个任务中睡眠与离线改善之间关系的性质:串行反应时间(SRT)任务,这是一项运动序列学习任务;人工语法学习(AGL)任务,测试抽象语言序列学习;天气预报(WP)任务,这是一个非顺序的分类任务。在唤醒状态(离线状态下有12小时离线时间)或处于睡眠状态(带有睡眠状态)下,对每个参与者进行了三个任务之一的两次测试。结果表明,在两个会话的重新学习设计中,这三个任务在睡眠方面的离线效果均没有改善,但是在SRT任务上发现了与睡眠无关的基于时间的影响。在WP和AGL任务中未观察到性能提升。 SRT的性能表现出一天中的时间效应:“睡眠”组的表现胜过“唤醒”组;但是,这种影响仅限于整体响应延迟。两者合计,没有证据支持在技能学习中依赖睡眠的离线增强,但方法论上的问题值得进一步研究。



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