首页> 外文期刊>癌と化学療法 >Complete resection of Pancoast tumor while receiving preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) as an induction therapy--report of a case

Complete resection of Pancoast tumor while receiving preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) as an induction therapy--report of a case


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A 60-year-old man complaining of right shoulder pain and numbness of right arm was diagnosed with Pancoast tumor (invasive right apical lung cancer). Chest CT scan showed a tumor, 5 cm in diameter, in the right apex invading the right posterior chest wall. The patient received preoperative CCRT (RT: 40 Gy/20 Fr, cisplatin: CDDP and etoposide: ETP), resulting in tumor regression (PR). The patient underwent right upper lobectomy (ND 2a), partial resection of the 1st-3rd ribs and Th 1 nerve. Pathological examination demonstrated no live cancer cells and organization of necrotic tissue in the lung and intercostal region (Ef. 3). The patient received postoperative chemotherapy (CDDP+ETP) and was discharged. He did well without any tumor recurrence for 1 year postoperatively. CCRT seems effective and is one of the standard treatments for Pancoast tumor.
机译:一名60岁的男子抱怨右肩疼痛和右臂麻木,被诊断出患有Pancoast肿瘤(侵袭性右心尖部肺癌)。胸部CT扫描显示右尖部直径约5厘米的肿瘤侵犯了右后壁。患者接受了术前CCRT(RT:40 Gy / 20 Fr,顺铂:CDDP和依托泊苷:ETP),导致肿瘤消退(PR)。该患者接受了右上肺叶切除术(ND 2a),部分切除了第1-3肋骨和Th 1神经。病理检查表明在肺和肋间区域没有活的癌细胞和坏死组织的组织(Ef。3)。患者接受了术后化疗(CDDP + ETP)并出院。术后1年无肿瘤复发,表现良好。 CCRT似乎有效,并且是Pancoast肿瘤的标准治疗方法之一。



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