首页> 外文期刊>园芸学会杂志 >Seasonal changes in starch and soluble sugar contents of two peachcultivars on Prunus tomentosa rootstock showing different degree of treedecline [Japanese]

Seasonal changes in starch and soluble sugar contents of two peachcultivars on Prunus tomentosa rootstock showing different degree of treedecline [Japanese]


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'Kawanakajima Hakuto' peach trees often show a greater incidence of tree decline than do 'Akatsuki' trees when grafted onto Prunus tomentosa rootstock. To seek the cause of the decline, seasonal changes in carbohydrate status of root, shoots, and leaves of the two cultivars grafted on P. tomentosa and P. persica were analyzed. There were no significant differences in the starch and soluble sugar contents between 'Akatsuki' and 'Kawanakajima Hakuto' grafted on either rootstock during the dormant period but at the pre-bloom period, the root starch content in both cultivars grafted on P. tomentosa was only half that of trees grafted on P. persica. The starch content in roots and shoots of 'Kawanakajima Hakuto' on P. tomentosa continued to be lower than that on P. persica during the growing period, whereas it differed little on 'Akatsuki' on two rootstock. Similar trends were found in total sugar and sorbitol contents of the roots. No conspicuous difference between the cultivars was found in other parameters, such as sugar contents of shoots and leaves, in relation to tree decline. Therefore, the cause of decline for 'Kawanakajima Hakuto' trees grafted on P. tomentosa is attributed partly to the depletion of starch and sorbitol in the roots and starch in the shoots during the growing season.
机译:当将“ Kawanakajima Hakuto”桃树嫁接到樱桃李根茎上时,其倒下率通常比“ Akatsuki”树高。为了寻找下降的原因,分析了嫁接于毛白杨和波斯白僵菌的两个品种的根,茎和叶的碳水化合物状况的季节性变化。在休眠期嫁接到任一砧木上的'Akatsuki'和'Kawanakajima Hakuto'之间的淀粉和可溶性糖含量没有显着差异,但是在开花前期,在毛白杨嫁接的两个品种中的根淀粉含量为仅在P. persica上嫁接的树木的一半。毛白杨'Kawanakajima Hakuto'的根和茎中的淀粉含量在整个生长期仍低于波斯假单胞菌,而'Akatsuki'在两种砧木上的淀粉含量差异不大。在根的总糖和山梨糖醇含量中发现了类似的趋势。在其他参数上,如与树衰相关的其他参数,如茎叶中的糖含量,在品种之间未发现明显差异。因此,嫁接到毛白杨上的“ Kawanakajima Hakuto”树木衰落的原因部分归因于生长季节根中淀粉和山梨糖醇的消耗以及枝条中淀粉的消耗。



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