首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and Experimental Immunology: An Official Journal of the British Society for Immunology >Onchocerca volvulus-specific antibody and cytokine responses in onchocerciasis patients after 16 years of repeated ivermectin therapy.

Onchocerca volvulus-specific antibody and cytokine responses in onchocerciasis patients after 16 years of repeated ivermectin therapy.


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Summary The recommended control option against onchocerciasis is repeated ivermectin treatment, which will need to be implemented for decades, and it remains unknown how repeated ivermectin therapy might affect immunity against Onchocerca volvulus in the long term. O. volvulus-specific antibody reactivity and cellular cytokine production were investigated in onchocerciasis patients receiving ivermectin (150 microg/kg) annually for 16 years. In treated patients, the T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokine interleukin (IL)-5 and T regulatory IL-10 in response to O. volvulus antigen (OvAg) and bacteria-derived Streptolysin O (SL-O) diminished to levels found in infection-free endemic controls; also, cellular release of Th1-type interferon (IFN)-gamma at 16 years post initial ivermectin treatment (p.i.t.) approached control levels. In ivermectin-treated onchocerciasis patients, IL-5 production in responses to the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) decreased, but IL-10 in response PHA increased, and neither attained the cytokine production levels of endemic controls. At 16 years p.i.t., O. volvulus-specific IgG1 and IgG4 subclass reactivity still persisted at higher levels in onchocerciasis patients than in O. volvulus exposed but microfilariae-free endemic controls. In addition, cytokine responses remained depressed in onchocerciasis patients infected concurrently with Mansonella perstans and Necator americanus or Entamoeba histolytica/dispar. Thus, long-term ivermectin therapy of onchocerciasis may not suffice to re-establish fully a balanced Th1 and Th2 immune responsiveness in O. volvulus microfilariae-negative individuals. Such deficient reconstitution of immune competence may be due to an as yet continuing and uncontrolled reinfection with O. volvulus, but parasite co-infections can also bias and may prevent the development of such immunity.
机译:总结推荐的针对小规模盘尾丝虫病的控制选择是伊维菌素的重复治疗,这需要数十年的实施,而且从长远来看,伊维菌素的重复治疗如何影响对肠粘膜小肠球菌的免疫性尚不清楚。在每年接受伊维菌素(150微克/千克)治疗16年的盘尾丝虫病患者中,研究了肠弯曲菌特异性抗体反应性和细胞因子的产生。在接受治疗的患者中,对肠球菌抗原(OvAg)和细菌衍生的链球菌溶血素O(SL-O)的应答,T辅助2型(Th2)细胞因子白介素(IL)-5和T调节性IL-10降低至所发现的水平在无感染的地方控制中;同样,在伊维菌素初始治疗(p.i.t.)后16年,Th1型干扰素(IFN)-γ的细胞释放达到了对照水平。在依维菌素治疗的盘尾丝虫病患者中,对有丝分裂原植物血凝素(PHA)响应的IL-5产量下降,但对PHA响应的IL-10产量上升,但均未达到地方性对照的细胞因子生产水平。 p.i.t.在盘尾丝虫病患者中,肠弯曲菌特异性IgG1和IgG4亚类反应性仍比暴露于肠弯曲菌但无微丝aria的地方性对照高。此外,在合并了曼森氏菌,美洲念珠菌或美国溶血性变形杆菌/ dispar的盘尾丝虫病患者中,细胞因子的反应仍然很低。因此,长期的伊维菌素对盘尾丝虫病的治疗可能不足以在小肠micro丝虫阴性个体中完全重新建立平衡的Th1和Th2免疫反应。免疫能力的这种重建不足可能是由于肠弯曲杆菌的持续和不受控制的再感染所致,但是寄生虫共感染也可能造成偏见并可能阻止这种免疫的发展。



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