首页> 外文期刊>Differentiation: The Journal of the International Society of Differentiation >Retroviral overexpression of bcl-2 in the embryonic chick lens influences denucleation in differentiating lens fiber cells.

Retroviral overexpression of bcl-2 in the embryonic chick lens influences denucleation in differentiating lens fiber cells.


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During the course of their differentiation, embryonic lens fibers undergo loss of their cytoplasmic organelles and nuclei. The denucleation process bears similarities to the nuclear breakdown that occurs during apoptosis. This has given rise to the hypothesis that this denucleation is analogous to apoptosis, but without the plasma membrane changes characteristic of apoptotic cell death. Previous work has shown that several members of the apoptotic cascade are active during denucleation. Here, we have overexpressed the anti-apoptotic molecule bcl-2 in developing lenses of the 8-day-old chick embryo in ovo, using the replication-competent retrovirus RCAS. We find that lenses overexpressing bcl-2 show varying degrees of distortion in comparison with untreated and negative insert controls, including a more spherical shape and disorganized fiber cells. All overexpressing lenses showed significantly higher numbers of smaller nuclei in the lens core, where denucleation begins. There was no change in cell sizeor pattern of proliferation. These in vivo results were confirmed in vitro using lens epithelial cell cultures, which differentiate into lentoids. The lentoids in treated cultures showed the same effect on nuclear number and size. We further found that in lenses overexpressing bcl-2 there was a reduction in the activation of caspase-9 and the cleavage of the caspase substrate DFF45, and, in the lens core, a failure of the nuclear chromatin to condense. These results provide strong support for the view that embryonic lens fiber cell denucleation is analogous to the nuclear degradation that occurs during apoptosis, and that similar control pathways are involved in both these phenomena.



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