首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ornithology >Environmental conditions on wintering grounds and during migration influence spring nutritional condition and arrival phenology of Neotropical migrants at a northern stopover site

Environmental conditions on wintering grounds and during migration influence spring nutritional condition and arrival phenology of Neotropical migrants at a northern stopover site


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Assessing effects of winter habitat quality and environmental conditions on fitness of migratory birds is important to understand factors that regulate migratory bird populations throughout the annual cycle. We evaluated effects of winter habitat occupancy, as inferred from tissue stable-carbon (delta ~(13)C) and -nitrogen (delta ~(15)N) isotope values, on nutritional condition and arrival date of seven longdistance Nearctic-Neotropical migratory species sampled at Delta Marsh Bird Observatory (DMBO,Manitoba, Canada) during their spring migration to more northerly breeding areas. Additionally, we used a long-term dataset of DMBO to assess the effect of May minimum temperature, May minimum daily temperature, and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index on body condition and spring arrival date. A positive effect of assumed mesic winter habitat on nutritional condition and arrival phenology was detected primarily in species overwintering in the Caribbean (Palm Warbler Setophaga palmarum, Northern Waterthrush Parkesia novaboracensis). We caution, then, against generalizing the results of previous isotopic studies inferring winter habitat use applied to Neotropical migrants wintering in the Caribbean (e.g., American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla) tothose species or populations wintering elsewhere and especially away from dichotomous mangrove versus scrub habitats. In general, birds arrived later and in lower nutritional condition during colder springs, and early migrants did not adjust their timingof migration to spring temperature. Early arrival was associated with poorer nutritional condition, and most species had their lowest nutritional condition during the coldest periods of migration. ENSO, probably through its influence on weather and foodavailability during winter, carried over to northern latitudes and affected both spring arrival date and nutritional condition.
机译:评估冬季栖息地质量和环境条件对候鸟健康的影响,对于了解在整个年度周期内调节候鸟种群数量的因素非常重要。我们从组织稳定碳(δ〜(13)C)和-氮(δ〜(15)N)同位素值推断出的冬季栖息地占用对7种长距离近北极-新移民的营养状况和到达日期的影响在春季迁移到更北的繁殖区时,在三角洲沼泽鸟类观测所(加拿大曼尼托巴省DMBO)采样。此外,我们使用了DMBO的长期数据集来评估5月最低温度,5月最低每日温度和El Nino-南方涛动(ENSO)指数对身体状况和春季到达日期的影响。主要在加勒比(Palm Warbler Setophaga palmarum,北部滑水公园Parkesia novaboracensis)越冬的物种中,发现了假定的冬季中等生境对营养状况和到达物候的积极影响。因此,我们告诫不要将以前的同位素研究的结果推论为推断适用于在加勒比地区越冬的新热带移民(例如American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla)对其他地方越冬的物种或种群,特别是远离二分红树林与灌丛生境的冬季同位素研究。一般而言,在寒冷的春季,鸟类到达的时间较晚,营养条件较低,早期迁徙者并未将其迁徙时间调整到春季温度。提早到达与较差的营养状况有关,大多数物种在最冷的迁徙期间营养状况最低。 ENSO可能通过影响冬季的天气和食物供应而延至北部纬度,并影响了春季到达日期和营养状况。



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