首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ornithology >Habitat and diet of young grouse broods: resource partitioning between Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in boreal forests

Habitat and diet of young grouse broods: resource partitioning between Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in boreal forests

机译:松鸡幼体的栖息地和饮食:北方森林中的松鸡(Tetrao urogallus)和黑松鸡(Tetrao tetrix)之间的资源分配

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We compared habitat use and diets of young Capercaillie and Black Grouse broods in a boreal forest in southeast Norway. We used pointing dogs to search for broods (N = 83) in mature "natural" forest types and examined the crop content of 66 chicks 1-9weeks old. We also measured the abundance of insects in the habitats where broods were found. Although overlapping substantially in both habitat and diets, there were notable differences: Capercaillie broods were more frequently recorded in bilberry-dominated forest types, whereas Black Grouse preferentially used pine bog forest, a more open habitat with little bilberry. Capercaillie chicks ate proportionally more insects, particularly lepidopteran larvae, and insects dominated their diet for a longerperiod of time (until age 28-29 days) than in Black Grouse (14-15 days). After reaching their peaks, the quantity of insects in the crops declined rapidly especially in Capercaillie, and in one of 2 years this occurred at a time when insects, including larvae, were still abundant in the habitats. Among plant foods, both species ate large amounts of Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and Bog Whortleberry (V. uliginosum). The main difference between species was a large proportion of both over-wintered and new, not yet ripe, berries of Cranberry (Oxycoccus quadripetalus) in Black Grouse, and a higher proportion of the forb Melampyrum sylvaticum in Capercaillie. The difference in diets reflected their differential use of habitats; the Vacci-nium-preferred habitats of Capercaillie were richer in insects, particularly larvae, than the pine bog habitat preferred by Black Grouse. Because insects, especially larvae, comprised a larger proportion of the diet of Capercaillie chicks and chicks of this species need more food to sustain their rapid growth, Capercaillie is likely to be more sensitive to variation in insect food than Black Grouse. Also, by reducing the abundance of bilberry, the main host plant of larvae chick food, clearcutting forestry has negative effects on the brood habitat quality of both species.
机译:我们在挪威东南部的一个北方森林中比较了幼小的Capercaillie和Black Grouse繁殖地的栖息地利用和饮食。我们使用了导盲犬在成熟的“天然”森林类型中寻找巢(N = 83),并检查了66只1-9周龄小鸡的作物含量。我们还测量了发现巢穴的生境中昆虫的数量。尽管在生境和饮食上都存在明显的重叠,但存在显着差异:在越橘为主的森林类型中记录到海松幼体的频率更高,而黑松鸡优先使用松散的沼泽森林,这是一个越开放越少的越橘栖息地。 Capercaillie小鸡按比例吃更多的昆虫,尤其是鳞翅目幼虫,与黑松鸡(14-15天)相比,昆虫在其饮食中占主导地位的时间更长(到28-29天)。达到高峰后,农作物中的昆虫数量迅速减少,尤其是在卡佩尔利(Capeccalie),在两年之内,这一次发生的时候,包括栖息地在内的昆虫(包括幼虫)仍然很丰富。在植物性食物中,两个物种都食用大量的越桔(Vaccinium myrtillus)和沼泽越橘(V. uliginosum)。物种之间的主要区别是黑松鸡中越冬越橘和未成熟的新越橘(Oxycoccus quadripetalus)浆果的比例较大,而在Capercaillie中则有较高比例的锡兰木兰(Melampyrum sylvaticum)。饮食的差异反映了它们对栖息地的不同利用。与黑松鸡所喜欢的松树沼泽生境相比,卡佩尔利(Capercaillie)的痘苗病优先生境中的昆虫,尤其是幼虫更丰富。由于昆虫(尤其是幼虫)在Capercaillie雏鸡的饮食中占较大比例,并且该种类的雏鸡需要更多的食物来维持其快速生长,因此Capercaillie可能比Black Grouse对昆虫食物的变异更敏感。此外,通过减少越橘(幼虫雏鸡食物的主要寄主植物)的丰度,砍伐森林对两种物种的育雏栖息地质量都有负面影响。



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