首页> 外文期刊>Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology >A hierarchical algorithm for fuzzy template matching in emotional facial images

A hierarchical algorithm for fuzzy template matching in emotional facial images


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The paper aims at developing a hierarchical algorithm for matching a given template of m × non an image of M × N pixels partitioned into equal sized blocks of m × n pixels. The algorithm employs a fuzzy metric to measure the dispersion of individual feature of a block with respect to that of the template. A fuzzy threshold, preset by the user, is employed to restrict less likely blocks from participation in the matching. A decision tree is used to test the feasibility of a block for matching with the template. The tree at each link examines the condition for fuzzy thresholding for one feature of the image. If the block satisfies the condition, it is passed on to the next level in the tree for testing its feasibility of matching with respect to the next feature. If it fails, the block is discarded from the search space, and the next block from the partitioned image is passed on for examination. The process goes on until all the blocks pass through the decision tree. If a suitable block satisfies all the test conditions in the decision tree, the block is declared as the solution for the matching problem. The ordering of features to be examined by the tree is performed here by an entropy measure as used in classical decision tree. The time-complexity of the algorithm is of the order of MN/mn, and the elegance of the algorithm lies in its power of approximate matching using fuzzy conditions. The algorithm has successfully been implemented for template matching of human eyes in facial images carrying different emotions, and the classification accuracy is as high as 96%.
机译:本文旨在开发一种用于匹配给定模板的m×非模板的算法,该模板将m×N像素的图像划分为相等大小的m×n像素块。该算法采用模糊度量来测量块的各个特征相对于模板的散度。由用户预设的模糊阈值用于限制不太可能的块参与匹配。决策树用于测试与模板匹配的块的可行性。每个链接上的树都会检查图像的一个特征的模糊阈值条件。如果该块满足条件,则将其传递到树中的下一个级别,以测试其针对下一个功能进行匹配的可行性。如果失败,则从搜索空间中丢弃该块,然后将分区图像中的下一个块传递进行检查。该过程一直进行到所有块都通过决策树为止。如果合适的块满足决策树中的所有测试条件,则将该块声明为匹配问题的解决方案。这里要通过树检查的特征的排序是通过经典决策树中使用的熵度量执行的。该算法的时间复杂度约为MN / mn,算法的精妙之处在于使用模糊条件进行近似匹配的能力。该算法已经成功实现了人脸在不同情感的人脸图像中的模板匹配,分类精度高达96%。



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