首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories >Corrosion Mechanism of Slag-Line Materials in Blast Furnace Main Trough

Corrosion Mechanism of Slag-Line Materials in Blast Furnace Main Trough


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The corrosion mechanisms of slag-line materials in a blast furnace main trough were investigated by finger corrosion tests between 1723 and 1823K with the oxygen partial pressure below 0.2 atm. The material was scarcely corroded by blast furnace slag in the part of the specimen submerged into the slag. However, local corrosion at the slag-atmosphere interface occurred in oxidizing atmosphere and the corrosion rate increased in proportion to p(O2). Moreover, the corrosion rate increased with the rotation speed of the test specimen. From the results, the rate-determining step of the local corrosion was found to be the diffusion of oxygen through the laminar slag film wetting the refractory. Therefore, the motion of the slag and Marangoni convection accelerate the corrosion. Both SiC and C in the material are oxidized by oxygen that diffuses through the laminar film. The formed SiO_2 reaction product then dissolves into the slag and CO escapes from the system.
机译:通过在1723至1823K之间的氧分压低于0.2 atm的手指腐蚀试验研究了高炉主槽中渣线材料的腐蚀机理。在浸入炉渣的试样中,高炉渣几乎不会腐蚀材料。然而,在炉渣-大气界面处的局部腐蚀发生在氧化气氛中,腐蚀速率与p(O2)成正比。而且,腐蚀速率随着试样的旋转速度而增加。根据结果​​,确定局部腐蚀的速率的步骤是氧通过层状渣膜润湿耐火材料的扩散。因此,炉渣的运动和Marangoni对流会加速腐蚀。材料中的SiC和C都被扩散穿过层状薄膜的氧气氧化。然后,形成的SiO_2反应产物溶解到炉渣中,CO从系统中逸出。



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