首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics: The Journal of the International Association for Wind Engineering >Fatigue loads on wind turbines of different control strategies operating in complex terrain

Fatigue loads on wind turbines of different control strategies operating in complex terrain


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The impact of complex terrain wind conditions on the loading of wind turbines is examined using state-of-art computational means. The analysis is two folded. The first part considers variations of all the wind defining parameters: the turbulence intensities of the wind inflow, the corresponding length scales, the coherence decay factors, the vertical and lateral mean shears, the yaw misalignment and the mean velocity at the hub height. Running several wind turbines it is found that the main driving fatigue mechanism is, as expected, the turbulence intensity. Small length scales and strong three-dimensionality of the inflow, which are characteristic of complex terrains, are secondary factors of increase of the fatigue loads but still in some cases significant. The significance of yaw misalignment is confirmed. In the second part of the work different design concepts are compared in terms of fatigue loads. Four designs at the class of 0.5 MW machines are considered: a classical stall and a classical pitch regulated machine, a "structurally soft" stall machine and a fixed pitch variable speed machine. As regards the significance of the control strategy, it is found that there are no merits for any of the. The "soft" design however seems to have reduced loads.
机译:使用最新的计算手段来检查复杂的地形风况对风力涡轮机负荷的影响。分析是两折的。第一部分考虑了所有风定义参数的变化:风流入的湍流强度,相应的长度尺度,相干衰减因子,垂直和横向平均剪切,偏航未对准以及轮毂高度处的平均速度。运行多个风力涡轮机,发现主要的驱动疲劳机理是预期的湍流强度。复杂地形所特有的小长度标尺和强大的三维流入量是疲劳负荷增加的次要因素,但在某些情况下仍然很重要。偏航未对准的重要性已得到确认。在工作的第二部分中,根据疲劳载荷比较了不同的设计概念。考虑了0.5 MW机器级别的四种设计:经典失速和经典变桨调节机,“结构软”失速机器和固定变桨变速机。关于控制策略的重要性,发现任何策略都没有任何优点。但是,“软”设计似乎减少了负载。



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