首页> 外文期刊>Journal Of The South African Institute Of Mining & Metallurgy >Anomaly enhancement in 2D electrical resistivity imaging method using a residual resistivity technique

Anomaly enhancement in 2D electrical resistivity imaging method using a residual resistivity technique


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This article is devoted to the introduction of a new technique of electrical resistivity data processing called residual resistivity (RR). We define RR as measured resistivity minus background resistivity. To determine the background resistivity, the data acquired from electrical resistivity measurements along a given survey line is evaluated, and then an equation is fitted to the data corresponding to a chosen measurement station as a function of current electrode spacing (or array length). The RR technique was applied to several synthetic models to compare the conventional resistivity inversion of each model with its RR-based inversion. A case study was carried out in a karstic area in Zarrinabad, Lorestan Province, western Iran, to detect the location and geometry of probable cavities by conventional resistivity inversion and RR-based inversion. The results showed that the anomalous zones are better highlighted in the RR-based inversion images in comparison with the conventional inversion images. In some cases, anomalies detected by the RR-based images were hidden in the conventional method.



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