首页> 外文期刊>Journal Of The South African Institute Of Mining & Metallurgy >Mine dumps under the amended Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002

Mine dumps under the amended Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002


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Mine dumps created in terras of the pre-MPRDA regime (old order mine dumps) are currently not regulated by the MPRDA, and the common law owners of such dumps are free to process them without the need to obtain the relevant rights. The MPRDA Amendment Act purports to change this position. However, the wording of the Amendment Act raises a number of problems which render the post-amendment position at best unclear and at worst absurd and unworkable. The primary concern with the Amendment Act is that, on one interpretation, material placed on the same dump at different times may be treated differently at law. Thus, parts of a dump may be subject to one person's right while others may be subject to another's right. Moreover, case law has generally regarded mine dumps as movable property and, by extending the MPRDA to apply to all mine dumps, the Legislature is extending the ambit of the Act to cover movable property, a scenario not contemplated by the wording of the Act (even after its amendment) in relation to applications for rights. The better interpretation of the amendments, which are not yet in force, is that they will not apply retrospectively to old order mine dumps.
机译:目前,MPRDA并未对在MPRDA之前政权的地区创建的矿场(旧秩序的矿场)进行监管,这些矿场的普通法所有人可以自由处理它们,而无需获得相关权利。 MPRDA修正案旨在改变这一立场。但是,《修正法》的措词引起了许多问题,使修正后的立场充其量是不清楚的,而最荒谬的则是不可行的。 《修正法》的主要关注点是,根据一种解释,在不同时间放在同一垃圾堆上的物料在法律上可能会有所不同。因此,转储的某些部分可能受一个人的权利,而其他人可能受另一个人的权利。此外,判例法通常将垃圾场视为动产,并且通过将MPRDA扩展到所有矿场,立法机关正在将该法的范围扩大到涵盖动产,该法的措辞并未考虑这种情况(即使是在修改后)。尚未生效的修正案的更好解释是,它们将不会追溯适用于旧有的矿场。



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