首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoology >Seasonal variation in the diet of Galidictis grandidieri Wozencraft, 1986 (Carnivora: Eupleridae) in a sub-arid zone of extreme south-western Madagascar

Seasonal variation in the diet of Galidictis grandidieri Wozencraft, 1986 (Carnivora: Eupleridae) in a sub-arid zone of extreme south-western Madagascar

机译:马达加斯加西南部一个干旱区的大加利迪克帝(Galidictis grandidieri Wozencraft),1986年(食肉目:Eupleridae)饮食的季节性变化

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We describe the diet of Grandidier's Vontsira Galidictis grandidieri (family Eupleridae), one of the rarest carnivorans in the world and restricted to an area of 400 kmpo in the spiny forest of south-western Madagascar. From May 2006 to May 2007, 342 G. grandidieri scats were collected in the Parc National de Tsimanampetsotsa - 256 faecal samples in the dry season and 86 in the wet season. In total, 886 prey items were identified from these scats. Invertebrates (principally large cockroaches of the genus Gromphadorhina) were the most frequently eaten prey. Even though vertebrates comprised only 8 and 17% of prey individuals in the diet of G. grandidieri during the dry and wet seasons, they contributed 58 and 80% of the prey biomass in each season, respectively. About 90% of all prey consumed had body masses below 10 g. This is well below the weight of the prey consumed by Cryptoprocta ferox, the only native carnivoran occurring in sympatry with G. grandidieri, making competition for food between the two species unlikely.
机译:我们描述了Grandidier的Vontsira Galidictis grandidieri(家庭Eupleridae)的饮食,它是世界上最稀有的食肉动物之一,在马达加斯加西南部多刺的森林中被限制在400 kmpo的区域内。从2006年5月至2007年5月,在Tcmanampetsotsa国家公园收集了342克G. grandidieri粪便-旱季收集了256个粪便样品,雨季收集了86个粪便样品。从这些粪便中总共发现了886个猎物。无脊椎动物(Gromphadorhina属的主要蟑螂)是最常被捕食的猎物。即使在干燥和潮湿季节,脊椎动物仅占G. grandidieri饮食中猎物个体的8%和17%,但它们在每个季节分别贡献了猎物生物量的58%和80%。消耗的所有猎物中约有90%的体重低于10克。这远低于Cryptoprocta ferox所消耗的猎物的重量,Cryptoprocta ferox是唯一与G. grandidieri交配的天然食肉动物,这使得这两个物种之间的食物竞争不太可能。



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