首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoology >Trophic ecology of East African caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), and their impact on forest soil invertebrates

Trophic ecology of East African caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), and their impact on forest soil invertebrates


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Diets of the syntopic caecilian amphibians Boulengerula boulengeri and Scoleco-morphus vittatus were studied from gut content analyses of 108 specimens collected from Nilo Forest Reserve, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Head length and width relative to body length is greater in male B. boulengeri than in females, but no such dimorphism is apparent in S. vittatus. No differences, other than females consuming disproportionately more ants and invertebrate eggs and fewer termites than males, occur inthe diets of B. boulengeri. The gut contents of S. vittatus are dominated by large, surface-active earthworms, in contrast to those of B. boulengeri which contained smaller, endogeic earthworms and a much greater number and diversity of soil arthropods(particularly termites, ants and Diptera larvae). These dietary characteristics underline differences in microhabitat use between these caecilian species and thus corroborate a previously proposed hypothesis of niche separation. The ecological impact ofcaecilians and other limbless endogeic vertebrates is little studied and poorly known. Approximations based on current knowledge are not clear, but are interpreted as indicating that predation by caecilians is unlikely to be among the most important factors influencing population densities of soil-dwelling termites and perhaps also ants: two groups recognized as soil ecosystem engineers.
机译:通过对坦桑尼亚东乌桑巴拉山脉的Nilo森林保护区收集的108份标本的肠道含量进行分析,研究了Caecilian两栖类双足类Boulengerula boulengeri和Scoleco-morphus vittatus的饮食。雄性B. boulengeri的头长和宽度相对于体长比雌性大,但在S. vittatus中没有明显的这种二态性。在雄性芽孢杆菌的饮食中,除了雌性比雄性消耗更多的蚂蚁和无脊椎动物的卵以及白蚁更少外,没有其他差异。相比之下,B。boulengeri的肠道内含物主要为大型的表面活性earth,而B. boulengeri的肠内含较小的内生earth,土壤节肢动物(尤其是白蚁,蚂蚁和双翅目幼虫)的数量和多样性更高。 。这些饮食特征突显了这些凯撒类动物在微生境上的使用差异,因此证实了先前提出的生态位分离假说。盲e科动物和其他无肢内生脊椎动物对生态的影响鲜有研究,鲜为人知。基于当前知识的近似值尚不清楚,但被解释为表明,盲足动物的掠夺不太可能是影响土壤白蚁和蚂蚁种群密度的最重要因素之一:被认为是土壤生态系统工程师的两个群体。



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