首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoology >Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid?

Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid?

机译:从基因上解决动物学上的奥秘:库普雷(Bos sauveli)是野生杂种吗?

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A famous zoological discovery of the 20th century was that of the kouprey Bos sauveli a medium-sized ox inhabiting Cambodian forests. The kouprey was suspiciously intermediate between banteng oxen and domestic zebu cattle in its structure. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of mainland banteng are compared here with a published kouprey sequence and the comparison demonstrates a close relationship. Either the kouprey derives partly from banteng or (less likely) these particular banteng acquired kouprey DNAvia recent genetic introgression. The kouprey may have been a feral hybrid form a descendant of domestic oxen rather than a natural species.
机译:20世纪一个著名的动物学发现是栖息在柬埔寨森林中的中型牛kouprey Bos sauveli。该可比鱼的结构可疑地介于班腾牛和家养封牛之间。在这里,将班坦大陆的线粒体DNA序列与已发表的kouprey序列进行了比较,该比较显示出密切的关系。 kouprey要么部分来源于班登,要么(不太可能)通过最近的基因渗入获得了这些特定的班登获得的kouprey DNA。 up可能是野牛的杂种,是家养牛的后代,而不是自然物种。



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