首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences >Internationalisation as strategic tool to strengthen the doctoral education at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University.

Internationalisation as strategic tool to strengthen the doctoral education at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University.


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Universities compete to attract the best students, both national and international, to their postgraduate programmes. However, the design and launch of international masters or doctorates imply working with a different logic to the one used in national programmes. Complexity, diversity and differentiation are drivers of international education and as happens in complex systems the properties and features of the final products are different from the existing in the individual components. The aim of this paper is to understand international studies as complex systems and to analyze and identify factors affecting to the different components involved in the implementation of these programmes. The new approaches and the interrelations in aspects such as academic, administrative or economic management, quality assurance and marketing issues are examined and drivers, challenges and good practices where possible are identified.



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