首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine >Relationship Between Barnacle Epibiotic Load And HematologicParameters In Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta), A ComparisonBetween Migratory And Residential Animals In Pamlico Sound, NorthCarolina

Relationship Between Barnacle Epibiotic Load And HematologicParameters In Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta), A ComparisonBetween Migratory And Residential Animals In Pamlico Sound, NorthCarolina


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Health status of a total of 57 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta; 42 migratory and 15 residential turtles) was analyzed using body condition and hematologic parameters. A subset of 18 juvenile migratory loggerhead sea turtles in the fall of 1997 and 15 residential turtles in the summer of 2000 were analyzed for barnacle epibiota. The migratory group had significantly higher red blood cell counts and percent heterophils and significantly lower percent lymphocyte and absolute eosinophil counts, as well as significantly lower plasma concentrations of calcium, sodium, chloride, potassium, glucose, alkaline phosphatase, and anion gap. Many of these variations may be because of physiology of migration. A positive association between turtle weight and hematocrit was detected and may be because of larger turtles diving for longer periods of time. There were no significant differences of epibiota load, health of the turtles, or condition index between turtles captured during the two events.
机译:使用身体状况和血液学参数分析了总共57只海龟(C​​aretta caretta; 42只迁徙海龟和15只居住海龟)的健康状况。分析了1997年秋季的18只ju游海龟和2000年夏季的15只居住turtle的子集的藤壶表生菌群。迁徙组的红细胞计数和异嗜性百分比显着较高,淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞绝对计数显着较低,并且钙,钠,氯,钾,葡萄糖,碱性磷酸酶和阴离子间隙的血浆浓度显着较低。这些变化中的许多可能是由于迁移的生理学。检测到乌龟重量和血细胞比容之间呈正相关,这可能是由于较大的乌龟长时间潜水所致。在这两次事件中捕获的海龟之间,附生菌负荷,海龟健康状况或状况指数均无显着差异。



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