首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine >Sulawesi tortoise adenovirus-1 in two impressed tortoises (Manouria impressa) and a Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota).

Sulawesi tortoise adenovirus-1 in two impressed tortoises (Manouria impressa) and a Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota).

机译:苏拉威西龟(Sulawesi)乌龟腺病毒1在两个被印象深刻的乌龟(Manouria impressa)和一个缅甸星形乌龟(Geochelone platynota)中。

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Sulawesi tortoise adenovirus-1 (STAdV-1) is a newly discovered virus infecting endangered and threatened tortoises. It was initially described from a confiscated group of 105 Sulawesi tortoises (Indotestudo forsteni) obtained by the Turtle Survival Alliance and distributed to five sites with available veterinary care across the United States. In a 3-yr period from the initial outbreak, one multi-species collection that rehabilitated and housed adenovirus-infected Sulawesi tortoises experienced deaths in impressed tortoises (Manouria impressa) and a Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota). Impressed tortoises that died had evidence of systemic viral infection with histopathologic features of adenovirus. Adenovirus was identified by consensus nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and subsequent sequencing of PCR products. Sequencing indicated that the adenovirus infecting these impressed tortoises and Burmese star tortoise was STAdV-1. In one impressed tortoise, viral infection was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy. In situ hybridization using a semiautomated protocol and fluorescein-labeled riboprobe identified STAdV-1 inclusions in spleen, liver, kidney, and testis of one impressed tortoise. The impact of this virus on captive and wild populations of tortoises is unknown; however, these findings indicate that STAdV-1 can be transmitted to and can infect other tortoise species, the impressed tortoise and Burmese star tortoise, when cohabitated with infected Sulawesi tortoises.
机译:苏拉威西龟(Sulawesi)陆龟腺病毒1(STAdV-1)是一种新发现的病毒,可感染濒临灭绝的乌龟。最初是从被乌龟生存联盟(Turtle Survival Alliance)没收的105只苏拉威西陆龟(Indotestudo forsteni)中进行描述的,并分发给全美5个提供兽医护理的地点。在最初爆发后的三年内,修复并收容了感染了腺病毒的苏拉威西陆龟的一个多物种集合在深海龟(Manouria impressa)和缅甸陆龟(Geochelone platynota)中死亡。死去的乌龟印象深刻,有全身病毒感染的迹象,并带有腺病毒的组织病理学特征。通过共有巢式聚合酶链反应(PCR)测试和PCR产物的后续测序鉴定出腺病毒。测序表明,感染这些印象深刻的乌龟和缅甸星龟的腺病毒是STAdV-1。在一只印象深刻的乌龟中,使用透射电子显微镜确认了病毒感染。使用半自动化方案和荧光素标记的核糖核酸探针的原位杂交可在一只乌龟的脾脏,肝脏,肾脏和睾丸中鉴定出STAdV-1内含物。这种病毒对圈养和野生乌龟的影响尚不清楚。然而,这些发现表明,当与受感染的苏拉威西陆龟同居时,STAdV-1可以传播并感染其他陆龟种,即被留下深刻印象的陆龟和缅甸星龟。



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