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Current approaches in cerebral palsy, a focus on gait problems: Editorial comment


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In modern terms, cerebral palsy is defined as a childhood condition in which a motor deficit occurs due to a static, nonprogressive lesion of the brain. From a historical perspective, William John Little was the first to characterize spastic cerebral palsy in the 1830s [1]. He described it as a brain injury due to oxygen deprivation to the brain at birth. Sir William Osier was one of the first early researchers to study cerebral palsy and wrote the first book on the topic, The Cerebral Palsies of Children [2]. Cerebral palsy is a heterogeneous condition. The size and location of the brain lesion approximates both the severity and characterization of motor involvement. Gait problems are common in ambulatory patients with cerebral palsy. Ambulatory ability may vary from independent ambulation to the need for ambulatory aids such as a walker. In the latter case, ambulatory ability may also depend on good upper extremity function.
机译:用现代术语来说,脑瘫被定义为儿童时期的一种状况,其中由于大脑的静态,非进行性病变而导致运动障碍。从历史的角度来看,威廉·约翰·利特(William John Little)是第一个在1830年代表征痉挛性脑瘫的人[1]。他将其描述为由于出生时大脑缺氧导致的脑损伤。威廉·奥西耶爵士是最早研究脑瘫的早期研究者之一,并撰写了有关该主题的第一本书《儿童脑性瘫痪》 [2]。脑瘫是一种异质性疾病。脑部病变的大小和位置近似于运动受累的严重程度和特征。步态问题在非行动性脑瘫患者中很常见。动态能力可能会有所不同,从独立的步行到对诸如助行器之类的移动辅助设备的需求。在后一种情况下,走动能力也可能取决于良好的上肢功能。



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