
Reducing residual and recurrent stones by hepatectomy for hepatolithiasis.


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The long-term outcomes of 97 consecutive patients with hepatolithiasis, who underwent treatment from January 1971 to June 2006, were analyzed. The short-term outcomes included the rate of residual stones and complications after treatment, whereas the long-term results included the stone recurrence rate. In 22 of the 97 (22.7%) patients, residual stones were found after treatment for hepatolithiasis. The incidence of residual stones was 0% in hepatectomy patients, 48.6% in cholangioenterostomy patients (p < 0.001, compared with hepatectomy), 25.0% in T-tube drainage patients (p = 0.015, compared with hepatectomy), and 10.0% in percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopic lithotripsy (PTCSL) patients. In 15 of the 66 (22.7%) patients who were treated for hepatolithiasis, recurrent stones were found after intervals of 5 to 24 years. The incidence of recurrent stones was 13.9% in hepatectomy patients, 28.5% in cholangioenterostomy patients, 25.0% in T-tube drainage patients, and 50.0% in PTCSL patients (p = 0.021, compared with hepatectomy). Hepatectomy appears to be the most effective treatment for selected patients with isolated left hepatolithiasis (L). In PTCSL procedures, favorable results have been obtained when the stones were completely cleared; however, the incidence of recurrent stones is high in patients after PTCSL.
机译:分析了1971年1月至2006年6月接受治疗的连续97例肝胆结石患者的长期结局。短期结果包括结石残留率和治疗后的并发症,而长期结果包括结石复发率。 97名患者中有22名(22.7%)在治疗肝结石后发现残留结石。肝切除术患者残余结石的发生率为0%,胆肠肠吻合术患者为48.6%(与肝切除术相比,p <0.001),T管引流患者为25.0%(与肝切除术相比,p = 0.015),经皮手术为10.0%经肝胆管镜碎石术(PTCSL)患者。在接受肝结石治疗的66位患者中,有15位(22.7%)在间隔5至24年后发现了结石复发。在肝切除术患者中,结石复发的发生率为13.9%,在胆肠肠造口术患者中为28.5%,在T管引流患者中为25.0%,在PTCSL患者中为50.0%(与肝切除术相比,p = 0.021)。对于选定的孤立性左肝结石症(L)的患者,肝切除术似乎是最有效的治疗方法。在PTCSL程序中,彻底清除结石后可获得良好的结果。然而,PTCSL术后患者的结石复发率很高。



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