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The cytokine-prostaglandin cascade in fever production: fact or fancy?


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(1) The classical view of the genesis of infectious fevers is that they develop in sequential steps, starting with the production by peripheral mononuclear phagocytes activated by the infectious noxa (i.e., the invading pathogens and/or their products, e.g., bacterial endotoxic lipopolysaccharides (LPS)) of pyrogenic cytokines, principally tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin(IL)-1beta and IL-6, the release of these cytokines into the bloodstream, their transport to targets accessible from blood (e.g., cerebral microvessels, the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis) in close proximity to the ventromedial preoptic area (VMPO, the presumptive brain site of the febrigenic controller), and the consequent generation of stimulatory signals directed to the VMPO. An alternative view is that the message of the pyrogenic cytokines elaborated in the periphery is conveyed to the VMPO via a neural rather than a humoral pathway. In both views, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-dependent prostaglandin (PG) E-2 is considered to be the proximal fever mediator induced in the VMPO by these cytokines, modulating the activity of thermosensitive neurons contained in this region and effecting the development of fever. (2) However, peripheral cytokines are not consistently detectable in febrile illnesses, and it was recently reported that neither circulating LPS nor cytokine levels are increased at the onset of robust fevers induced in rats by subcutaneous injections of replicating Escherichia coli. (3) And it was reported long ago that the intraccrebroventricular (icv) injection of PGE(2) did not evoke fever in newborn lambs and goats although these animals responded normally to the intravenous injection of LPS, and that the icv-injection of synthetic PGE(2) antagonists that prevented the febrile response of rabbits to icv-injected PGE(2) did not inhibit that to a simultaneously injected endogenous pyrogen. (4) Other, more recent data indicate that the pyrogenic chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta produces fever independently of PGE(2). (5) We found recently that the febrile response of adult guinea pigs to intravenously injected LPS is initiated significantly before the appearance of cytokines in the blood and, moreover, is evoked and sustainable in the absence of preoptic PGE(2). (6) What is amiss? Are the contradictory data fallacious or should the conventional wisdom be revisited? This issue is considered in this article and an explanation suggested for these disparate findings.
机译:(1)感染热的起源的经典观点是,它们以连续的步骤发展,首先是由感染性诺克激活的外周单核吞噬细胞(即,入侵的病原体和/或其产物,例如细菌内毒素脂多糖)产生(LPS)),主要是肿瘤坏死因子-α,白介素(IL)-1beta和IL-6的热原性细胞因子,这些细胞因子向血液中的释放,以及它们向血液中可及的靶标(例如脑微血管,器官)的转运靠近腹膜前视区(VMPO,成纤维性控制器的推测性脑位)的层状血管,并因此产生指向VMPO的刺激信号。另一种观点是,周围神经系统细胞因子的信息是通过神经途径而非体液途径传递给VMPO的。在这两种观点中,环加氧酶(COX)-2依赖性前列腺素(PG)E-2被认为是由这些细胞因子在VMPO中诱导的近端发烧介质,调节了该区域所含热敏神经元的活性并影响了神经元的发育。发热。 (2)然而,在高热疾病中不能始终检测到外周细胞因子,最近有报道称,通过皮下注射复制性大肠杆菌引起的大鼠强烈发热时,循环脂多糖和细胞因子水平均未升高。 (3)很久以前就有报道说,虽然这些动物对LPS的静脉内注射反应正常,但脑室内注射PGE(2)并不会引起新生羔羊和山羊发烧。 PGE(2)拮抗剂阻止了兔子对icv注射的PGE(2)的发热反应,并没有抑制对同时注射的内源性热原的反应。 (4)其他最新数据表明,热原性趋化因子巨噬细胞炎性蛋白1β会独立于PGE(2)产生发热。 (5)我们最近发现,成年豚鼠对静脉注射LPS的发热反应在血液中出现细胞因子之前就已经明显启动,而且,在没有视前PGE的情况下,这种反应是诱发和可持续的(2)。 (6)什么是错?矛盾的数据是虚伪的还是应该重新审视传统观念?本文考虑了此问题,并针对这些不同的发现提出了解释说明。



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