首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vascular surgery >Regional intensity of vascular care and lower extremity amputation rates

Regional intensity of vascular care and lower extremity amputation rates


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Objective: Because patient-level differences do not fully explain the variation in lower extremity amputation rates across the United States, we hypothesized that variation in intensity of vascular care may also affect regional rates of amputation and examined the relationship between the intensity of vascular care and the population-based rate of major lower extremity amputation (above-knee or below-knee) from vascular disease. Methods: Intensity of vascular care was defined as the proportion of Medicare patients who underwent any vascular procedure in the year before amputation, calculated at the regional level (2003 to 2006), using the 306 hospital referral regions in the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare. The relationship between intensity of vascular care and major amputation rate, at the regional level, was examined between 2007 and 2009. Results: Amputation rates varied widely by region, from one to 27 per 10,000 Medicare patients. Compared with regions in the lowest quintile of amputation rate, patients in the highest quintile were commonly African American (50% vs 13%) and diabetic (38% vs 31%). Intensity of vascular care also varied across regions: <35% of patients underwent revascularization in the lowest quintile of intensity, whereas nearly 60% underwent revascularization in the highest quintile. Overall, an inverse correlation was found between intensity of vascular care and the amputation rate, ranging from R [ L0.36 for outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to R [ L0.87 for inpatient surgical revascularizations. Analyses adjusting for patient characteristics and socioeconomic status found patients in high-intensity vascular care regions were significantly less likely to undergo amputation without an antecedent attempt at revascularization (odds ratio, 0.37; 95% confidence interval, 0.34-0.37; P < .001). Conclusions: The intensity of vascular care provided to patients at risk for amputation varies, and regions with the most intensive vascular care have the lowest amputation rate, although the observational nature of these associations do not impart causality. High-risk patients, especially African American diabetic patients residing in low-intensity vascular care regions, represent an important target for systematic efforts to reduce amputation risk.
机译:目的:由于患者水平的差异不能完全解释美国下肢截肢率的变化,因此我们假设血管护理强度的变化也可能会影响区域截肢率,并研究了血管护理强度与手术强度之间的关系。血管疾病导致的下肢大面积截肢(膝盖以上或膝盖以下)的发生率。方法:血管护理强度定义为截肢前一年接受过任何血管手术的Medicare患者的比例,该比例是使用Dartmouth Atlas医疗保健中心的306家医院转诊地区在区域级别(2003年至2006年)计算得出的。在2007年至2009年之间,检查了区域一级的血管护理强度与主要截肢率之间的关系。结果:截肢率的地区差异很大,从每10,000名Medicare患者中有1名上升到27名。与截肢率最低的五分之一地区相比,最高五分位数的患者通常是非洲裔美国人(50%比13%)和糖尿病患者(38%比31%)。各个地区的血管护理强度也各不相同:<35%的患者在强度最低的五分之一患者中进行了血运重建,而近60%的患者在最高的五分之一中进行了血运重建。总体而言,发现血管护理强度与截肢率之间存在负相关关系,范围从门诊诊断和治疗程序的R [L0.36,到住院外科血运重建的R [L0.87]。对患者特征和社会经济状况进行的调整分析发现,在没有进行血运重建前就尝试高强度血管护理区域的患者截肢的可能性大大降低(赔率,0.37; 95%置信区间,0.34-0.37; P <.001) 。结论:为有截肢风险的患者提供的血管护理的强度各不相同,并且血管护理最密集的地区的截肢率最低,尽管这些协会的观察性质并不具有因果关系。高风险患者,特别是居住在低强度血管护理区域的非洲裔美国糖尿病患者,是系统性降低截肢风险的重要目标。



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