首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Biology >Heat tolerance and physiological plasticity in the Antarctic collembolan, Cryptopygus antarcticus, and mite, Alaskozetes antarcticus

Heat tolerance and physiological plasticity in the Antarctic collembolan, Cryptopygus antarcticus, and mite, Alaskozetes antarcticus

机译:南极collembolan,Cryptopygus antarcticus和螨Alaskozetes antarcticus的耐热性和生理可塑性

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Polar amplification of global warming has led to an average 2 degrees C rise in air temperatures in parts of the polar regions in the last 50 years. Poikilothermic ectotherms that are found in these regions, such as Collembola and mites, may therefore be put under pressure by changing environmental conditions. However, it has also been suggested that the thermal sensitivity of invertebrates declines with higher latitudes and, therefore, that polar ectotherms may not be at risk. In the current study, the heat tolerance and physiological plasticity to heat stress of two well-studied Antarctic invertebrates, the collembolan, Cryptopygus antarcticus, and the mite, Alaskozetes antarcticus, were investigated. Both species showed considerable heat tolerance, with each having an Upper Lethal Temperature (ULT) above 35 degrees C (1 h exposure). These species were also able to survive for over 43 d at 10 degrees C and for periods of 5-20 min at 40 degrees C. Across all experimental procedures, A. antarcticus possessed a somewhat greater level of heat tolerance than C antarcticus. Water loss during short duration exposures did not differ between the two species at 30, 35 and 40 degrees C, suggesting that the greater tolerance of A. antarcticus over this timescale was not due to higher desiccation resistance. Physiological plasticity was investigated by testing for Rapid Heat Hardening (RHH) and long-term acclimation. RHH was observed to a small degree in both species at a warming rate of 0.5 degrees C min(-1), and also 0.2 degrees C min(-1) in A. antarcticus alone. Longer-term acclimation (1 week at 10 degrees C) did not enhance the heat tolerance of either species. Even with this limited physiological plasticity, the results of this study indicate that C antarcticus and A. antarcticus have capacity in their heat tolerance to cope with current and future environmental extremes of high temperature
机译:在过去的50年中,全球变暖的极度放大已导致极地部分地区的平均气温上升了2摄氏度。因此,在这些地区发现的高温热等温线虫,例如Collembola和螨虫,可能会因环境条件的变化而承受压力。但是,也有人提出,随着纬度的升高,无脊椎动物的热敏感性会下降,因此,极性等温线可能没有危险。在当前的研究中,研究了两种经过充分研究的南极无脊椎动物collembolan,Cryptopygus antarcticus和螨Alaskozetes antarcticus的耐热性和生理可塑性。两种物种均显示出相当高的耐热性,每种均具有高于35摄氏度(暴露1小时)的较高致死温度(ULT)。这些物种还能够在10摄氏度下生存超过43天,在40摄氏度下生存5-20分钟。在所有实验程序中,南极拟南芥的耐热性都比南极拟南芥更高。在30、35和40摄氏度下,两种物种在短时暴露过程中的水分损失没有差异,这表明南极曲霉在此时间范围内的更大耐受性并不是由于更高的抗干燥性。通过测试快速热硬化(RHH)和长期适应性来研究生理可塑性。在两种物种中,仅在南极曲霉的升温速率分别为0.5摄氏度min(-1)和0.2摄氏度min(-1)时,都观察到了RHH。长期驯化(在10摄氏度下1周)并没有提高任何一种的耐热性。即使有限的生理可塑性,这项研究的结果表明,南极洲和南极洲仍有耐热能力,可以应对当前和未来的高温极端环境。



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